Each Thursday I make a list of my thankful thoughts. I spend time throughout my day appreciating the little and big things in my life. My posted list gives you a glimpse of my thankful heart.
1. Quiet: I have to start with this one because I am enjoying a quiet house right now. A friend of mine took 2 of my kids with her to the park. My youngest is napping and my oldest is playing his DS. This was not planned so I feel very blessed by this surprise quiet time. (Don't get too jealous, it's the calm before the storm... she will be dropping off her kids at my house when she gets back. 5 boys and 1 little girl will make this house noisy soon enough!) As soon as they were out the door, my oldest said, "I bet you love this quiet house."
2. A man, a sign, and a safe baseball game:
I am thankful for this man (my husband). He worked really hard to make sure the company picnic at the baseball game included a food-free (peanut-free) reserved box seat area.
I'm thankful for this view
I am thankful for this sign
3. Chocolate Covered Strawberries: They are my favorite taste in the entire world. I had a couple this weekend. You cannot tell me they weren't worth the money. Oh... it's hard to look at the picture... they were that good.
4. Laughter: My family and I laugh a lot together. I just love it. (We got a good chuckle out of this: One Less Place Around the Table)
5. Water: It has been hot here, reaching a 100+ temperature several days in a row. I have been drinking a lot of water. The kids have been enjoying water.
6. My Mom: I am thankful for my mom. She celebrated her birthday this week. I miss her because I live away (way, way too far away). I am very thankful for her love.
7. My Kids: I am thankful for my kids. This morning the boys were doting on Elisabeth. It was the most precious thing. They all laughed. She was "Queen of the Kids" for about 15 minutes. It's the kind of moment that melts a Momma's heart. My kids provide fill up my heart with gladness.
Here's the gang:
8. My 3rd Son Survived VBS: Ok, that title's a joke. It's just funny. I spent the last 3 nights praying and praying for the safety of my 2nd son at VBS (due to his peanut allergy). Then, my 3rd son falls off a playset and lands on his head. He had a terrible headache and wasn't acting quite like himself (see pictures below). He's fine today, despite a sore bump on the head and sore neck. I am thankful he's okay. (Yes, you bet, I have my hands full with him!)
As I keep thinking about what I am thankful for, I keep thinking about my family. I am thankful for my family. Be sure to take time to appreciate your family today. Even more important, let them know you appreciate them.
Now, don't forget there's a contest coming up.
Speaking of which, aren't these pens cute?
Borders sold them for $2.99. I bought them there on clearance for 50 cents. I'm gonna add a few to a couple of the prizes. (What?! There's more than one prize?!! Yep.)
I hinted last week that you should comment on my Thanks Tank posts between now and the 100th Thanks Tank for extra contest entries. (That's still true.)
Thanks for stopping by. I am grateful that you take time to read my blog.
Well, then I'm just going to leave a comment because you asked so nicely...or was it because I like being bribed into doing things ;)
2 away from 100! Exciting!
I agree with the water one, I went to the river yesterday with my hubby and a few friends. It was WONDERFUL even though I think I might have gotten frost bite! heeheehee
I'm thankful for the cool (as in temperature) summer we've been having.
Another great post!
And, those are some cute pens! Hope I run across some good deals like that - I'm already gathering goodies for teacher gifts for the coming year!
Glad VBS went well - for your PA kid and for your, ahem, adventurous one. We have one more night to go! (We'll be spending some time with the VBS directors before next year to talk about allergy issues.... Now, the countdown to school begins!)
As soon as I saw the pictures of your son, I forgot everything else you wrote!! LOL...he is too cute and he looks so playful!!! Love it!!
I love Thursday at your blog!
I didn't even think of sending Sasha to VBS. I'm such a bad mom! Glad Thomas is okay!
Happy Birthday to your mom too!
Aw, I'm thankful I've found your blog! It really makes me smile! :)
That was wonderful! I always try to stop and Thank God for my blessings. So glad I found your blog!
Those pens are SUPER cute!
I'm so thankful every day for my little boys. I love them so much! Your babies are beautiful!
I just recently had to have my neighbor kid go home because he told me he's allergic to peanuts and the kids had been eating Chips Ahoy cookies. I had the wash their hands, face, brush their teeth and change their shirts, but when they were playing ball, my oldest touched the little boy's shirt. He came in to tell me that my son touched him. I didn't think it was a problem since everything was scrubbed up, but he was SO scared by it that I was at a loss. I just told him to go back to his house and make sure with his grandma that everything was okay.
Talk about freaking me out. I felt bad for him and also for my little guy because he didn't understand it at all. :(
Anyway, enough rambling. You should come look at the button I had Jess make me. It's funny. :)
I bet you do love a quiet house - I know I do on those rare occastions!
Queen of the kids! So funny! Mine have been story telling and Sam often says he is King of the World!
do you ever just melt chocolate chips in the microwave and dip your strawberries? It might be cheaper. I love that you are thankful for your kids - simple- but easy to forget to do in the midst of taking care of them. thanks for the reminder.
yes, I do like those pens.
Oh my goodness. That series of pictures of your son is cracking me up. Too funny. Those pens are super cute and what a deal. I love a good deal. Love chocolate covered strawberries too. YUM Great list as usual. Happy Birthday to your mom too.
I am thankful you are so consistent at being thankful when my own thanks tanks have been sporadic at best.
The pictures of Thomas are darling. He has personality plus, and I'm glad he' ok after his fall.
Those pens are cute as can be, and I can't wait to see the fun revealed during your contest. Looking forward to it, Jane Anne.
I'm so jealous of your quiet house. I am not getting that these days, not even for a few minutes.
Those strawberries looked yummy! I'm soory that you weren't able to come back to TN for your momma's birthday. Hope the knot on your son's head is healing nicely. Glad ya'll made it through VBS!
I was so happy you brought your kids. I hope they had a good time and that maybe just maybe you got a little bit of time to yourself! Thanks for putting your faith in our church to care for David while he was with us!
I am so far behind in reading your blog!
I always love reading your thanks tank!
I am SO happy that you were able to go to a baseball game. I think about you guys every time Greg and I go to a game. Really great thanks tank. Thank YOU! :)
I am totally cracking up at those pictures of your son... he looks like such a fun kiddo!
And those are DARLING pens - you scored!
Have a great week!
So glad that VBS was a success for David and that Thomas survived as well though not entirely unscathed! Love the pic of all the kids together doting on Elizabeth. It's important that the boys learn from a young age that girls deserve doting! ;-)
BTW - I think the pens are ADORABLE!!! AND I'm SO impressed with your savvy shopping skills by picking them up on clearance!!! Way to go!!!!
what a great idea to do thankful thursday! i think i might starting doing one too!
glad your son is okay!
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