My Thanks Tank is full. It's full of family, summer, and smiles. Here is some of what is filling up my thanks tank.
1. Camping in the backyard: My husband and the boys had so much fun camping in the backyard last Friday night. I am thankful for those special moments.
2. Going to the pool: We took the kids to the pool on Sunday afternoon. The pool was more like a water park. There's a wonderful larger slide, two smaller slides for the little kids and lots of sprays for the littlest ones to splash in. I am thankful that we went and played together as a family.
3. Family Water Fight: On Saturday morning, we had an impromptu family water fight. Elisabeth wasn't awake yet. Everyone else (including me in my PJs) got in on the craziness. I haven't laughed that hard in ages.
4. Sweet dresses and dimples: I just adore this picture of Elisabeth.
5. My children's friends: It is such a joy to watch my children make good friends. (And, nooo, that is not his latte.)
6. Playdates: We had 6 boys and 1 little girl playing on a slip n' slide. I am thankful for the fun and that no one got hurt!
7. Local berries: I picked up some berries from a local farm this week. They were delicious. I love summer berries.
8. Date Night: Last night we went on a date to celebrate our 14th wedding anniversary. We had an amazing night out. We went to Clemenza's Italian Cafe. (For my local readers, you must try this place. It was incredible. Our food was delightful. I loved the atmosphere and service. Here's the website: www.clemenzacafe. We can't wait to go back.) After dinner, we went for a walk by the river. It was a perfect evening.
9. Being a Winner
I won a book from Pam at Without Fear
I won a surprise prize from Elaine at Matters of the Heart. I can't wait to find out what I am getting.
This morning, I participated in the Back to School Food Allergy Twitter Party. I won a membership to Kids With Food Allergies.
I appreciate everyone that takes time to read my blog. I am thankful for my readers. I am often surprised when I find out that someone is reading my blog. I am always touched by kind comments.
In a few weeks, I will be doing my 100th Thursday Thanks Tank and I am going to have a contest.
It is going to be fun. I am doing it because I am thankful for you. I am going to give away some things that make me happy. The contest starts on the 100th Thanks Tank post and the winner will be announced on the 101st Thanks Tank post. You will have lots of chances to get entries to the contest. The details will be explained on the 100th Thanks Tank. (Now, if I were you, I would comment on this post - but I wouldn't make your comment exclusively about the giveaway- and each Thanks Tank until the contest. That's what I would do. I'm just sayin'...Hint, Hint)
Take time today to be thankful. You have so much to be thankful for.
Jane Anne - love your thanks post this week! Mine'll come later than usual today - we've been at church all day long prepping for VBS next week! One thing I'm thankful for? You, hopping over to my guest post and leaving a comment. Thanks for reading! (Missed the FA Twitter party today since we were at church longer than expected - hope you learned a lot!)
Congrats on your wins and Happy Anniversary! I can't wait to find out what Elaine is sending you. :)
I loved hearing about your water fight. I'm sure your kids will remember it always!
what a fun list this week. I love spontaneous water fights. Those make for the best memories and the most fun for everyone. Love all your pictures too. Cute dimples on that baby girl.
What a great post, friend!! I love all the photos, but the one of Elsie in her pretty dress is my fave.
So glad you got to go out on a special anniversary date.
Can't wait to hear more about the contests during your 100th post. Sounds like lots of fun!
Thrilled that the book finally arrived. I sure hope it was worth the wait.
Thankful for you, too!!
Wow you are coming up on 100!! I'm still working on getting to 20!
I love your TT posts. You are one lucky gal, in many ways of course, but you certainly win a lot over at my place. I think it is great, can't believe you will have your 100th Thursday, can't wait to see how you do the giveaway. And I am pretty certain I know what at least one of your favorite things are, and that would be worth playing for. Humm, I wonder if one of your favorite things is on the way, as we speak.
Great Thankful Thursday Tank! I love to see my boys having so much fun in the pool too! We have a pool like that in our city too, with water slides and such! And your little girl is so darn cute! And summer berries are the best! And 100th Thankful posts...wow...you go girl! Good for you! Can't wait to read all about it!
So many awesome things to be thankful for in this post.
Love the pix.
Sampled some of those berries, hope you don't mind.
What fun!
100TT's wow!
I am so jealous of your summer berries. With the newest little one, I haven't been able to pick any this year or even make it to the Farmer's Market to get some.
I look forward to reading your Thankful post each Thursday (often checking your blog several times to see if you've posted it yet). You are always an inspiration! love you!
Jane Anne--- I love reading your blogs- your thanks tanks have really made me start thinking that way about my own life! Happy Anniversary!
That last post was from Kathryn Eberle :)
JJ...You just reminded me how much I LOVE farmer's markets in the summer time. You remember when I visited you in WA? I still love pluots to this day. I tried them for the first time at that market. :) I always enjoy your TTs. I look forward to them. I am thankful for YOU! :) AJ
You are an inspiring mom!! I would have run away from the water fight. Your kids will remember the way you get right in there with them. I'm going to try to remember that the next time I have an opportunity to be crazy with my kids.
You two are so cute!
I'm thankful that our local blueberry place still has lots of berries left for us to pick because we haven't been yet.
YOU have so much to be thankful for!! Happy Anniversary again!
Derek's employer does business with the guy that owns that restaurant. We went to Sybaris for a Employee Christmas party 3 or 4 years ago. It was fantastic. Derek says the owner is also opening some more restaurants on the same street. You should also try Novaks. I love that place. Derek, not so much, I don't know why. They have yummy breakfasts (and serve beignets that I fell in love with while living in Louisiana).
Can't wait to participate in your giveaway next week! :)
Happy Anniversary! I'm always a little nervous about recommending restaurants so I am thankful you enjoyed Clemenza's so much! The day we were there we only had lunch, but I am looking forward to going back for dinner soon!
Your post every Thursday helps remind me to be thankful of all the small things in life that we overlook. Thank you for helping me be more thankful everyweek!
You and Seth look amazing. Happy late Anniversary. I am glad you guys had a fun time out!
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