My Mom almost killed me once.
I am serious.
It was bad.
I was driving.
My mom and my older sister were my passengers.
Here's what happened.
My sister and I were home from college. It was Christmas break and my mom thought it would be fun to take us shopping in the big town of Chattanooga, TN. I cannot remember what enticed me to go. Honestly, it was probably the lure of getting out of town and doing something different.
Anyway, we were barely on our way, not even out of the neighborhood, when my mom asks, "Hey, do either of you have a quarter?"
My sister, grabs her purse, pulls out a quarter and with a "Here ya go" hands it to my mom.
My mom swiftly takes the quarter and hands my sister a 20 dollar bill.
My eyes about popped out of my head. (Remember, I was a poor college student.)
I swerved all over the road. I couldn't contain my surprise and I couldn't control the car.
That was almost the end of everything for us. Thankfully, I pulled myself together.
In desparation, I yelled, "HEY! I have 2 quarters!"
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I went "home" to Tennessee for a visit last month. My mom, my sister, and I went out one night. We had the best time. We were headed to dinner to celebrate my sister's birthday. We stopped to do a little shopping first. My mom is smarter in her old age (Happy Birthday, Momma!). She played the "Quarter Game" with us when we were in the store not in the car.
We had an incredible time when I was home.
Here's a picture of us on our girl's night out.
Want to read more true stories? Visit Rachel at Once Upon a Miracle.
That is too funny! Sure wish my mom would ask me for a quarter. How cool is that?
Cute picture of you three beautiful ladies.
You have inspired me for next week to tell how my dad almost killed me once:)
too funny
So did your mum give you 20 dollars too ?
That picture is so cute
I live in TN too and love Chattanooga
Whoa! That was a close call, huh? I'm glad you all survived!
Please tell your mom that I have a BUNCH of quarters...would she like to make a trade with me??? LOL
Great picture. You three are beautiful!
oh my goodness! I am glad you all survived! I am going to have to remember the quarter game!
Seriously?!?! I probably would have wound up with the car stuck in a hill of dirt or something - that is too funny!
I'm with Mimi - sure wish my mom would play that game with us!
Love the picture - you guys are beautiful!
Thanks for linking up - great chuckle to start the day!
Oh lawdy... does your momma need a ride somewhere? I'm sure I can accomodate, and I'll be sure to bring along some quarters...
That's a hilarious story... she's lucky she didn't end up having to pay for a new car!
Hey, just visiting from Elaine's blog (Matter's of the Heart) and saw that this post mentioned
Chattanooga, Tn. I was just wonderin what part of Tn you came from. I live close to Chattanooga and we are often a the hospital (T.C. Thompson's) with our youngest daughter. Thought it was interesting to just "happen upon" another blog that mentions Chattanooga. i'm just weird like that. Great to meet you in blog-land. I like trying to meet new people and make new friends. You can NEVER have too many friends!
Cute story. Love the picture of the three of you. :)
That is funny! I have lots of quarters if she is willing to swap!! lol
What a fun night to spend with your mom & sister. I have a sister too, but we are not close and it makes me sad sometimes.
The 3 of you are beautiful and all have the same smile!
plenty of quarters here too!! lets swap!
great story
That's a fun story. You'll have to try that with your kids someday. You have a fun mom. That's probably why you are such a fun mom.
Next time you play that game, let me know, okay? I have LOTS of quarters!!! :)
Happy Birthday to your Momma! What a great pic!
Wow- I've never heard of that game! How come I've never heard of that game? MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love the quarter game and hope I remember it when my kids are older.
LOL! Glad you were okay!!
That is soooooo sweet of your mom!! I'm going to do that w/ my kids. Oh, but wait..I'll need $20 first!! haha!! Maybe I'll start with a dollar..lol!
You are all beautiful ladies!!!!1
What a great picture. You all look so pretty! One of my sisters hates having her picture taken so we have to sort of sneak up on her, lol!
I'll be happy to give your mom a quarter anytime!
BTW, I think I get it from my dad. He "helped" us paint once and broke a window, and another time he "helped" my hubby and broke our brand new trailer, lol!
Mom sure did get the better of you on that one. To funny. Thanks for stopping in at my blog. Yes, Phil is a really good friend. We met 5 yrs. ago and hit it off right away. He is about 11 yrs. younger then me so I call him little boy!
First, great picture! You are all beautiful!
Second, I would have almost wrecked too. I would still almost wreck for a free $20. :)
Your momma looks young! That must be where you get it, cuz you don't look like you have 4 kids! Which makes you at least 30, I'm thinking.... :)
I'm following you now and I gotta steal your button. :)
So - since I'm following, where are you going?? :)
Your Mom sounds like a keeper!!!! (she got any sisters????) OOPs! Rach might come back and read this...(sorry dear)!!!!
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