I am thankful for my sister.
My younger sister has come through a great deal in her life. She has perservered through serious medical issues. I'd explain it all to you but I would probably explain it wrong or mispell medical terms. She had a condition that is rare as an adult. It was not uncommon in infants. Usually, when found in an infant, surgery was performed. For adults, the surgery was considered life-threatening. She had (the 1st) surgery at Vanderbilt hospital.
I remember sitting in hospital room after surgery, thanking God she was alive. I remember worrying about her. I remember feeling weak when I saw her begin throwing up bile. I did not know what bile was but I knew that the green stuff coming out of her mouth could not be good. I remember getting up and telling my husband (who had rushed to help my sister) that I would be back. I remember seeing my mom and dad walking down the hospital hall. I remember my dad asking me if I was okay.
I do not remember fainting.
I do not remember how I got to the chair where the nurses brought me juice and crackers.
The next day when I got to the hospital, there was a wheelchair outside of my sister's room with a sign on it that read, "Fainting Chair."
Boy, we all got a laugh out of that!
I felt silly for fainting. I was glad that everyone was able to laugh, though.
Sometimes, in difficult situations, it's good to laugh.
I am thankful for my sister.
She's an amazing woman. She loves her kids without reserve. She is there for her man. She is a military spouse. She often takes care of everything on her own. She loves her husband, prays for him, and teaches her kids to adore him. My sister is a woman of faith. She has a sincere and strong faith in God. She is one of the most organized people I know. Sometimes I think that God didn't give me some organizational skills (because he knew I wouldn't use them well) and he gave her extra. I learn from my sister. She often inpsires me to try harder to be more organized, to show people how much I care in the little ways like writing thank you notes, to stand my ground when it may not be easy on others and many, many other ways that I cannot put into words.
My sister and I are separated by distance. Right now we are closer in distance but still too far away to get together. It's difficult. I am having a hard time missing her. It is hard to be closer but still so far away.
I thought of the hospital story tonight when I was thinking about how thankful I am for my sister. I am certainly thankful that she recovered from her surgeries. I am thankful that she is my sister.
Please pray for me as I am emotional right now missing my sister and other family members that I cannot see. Compared to so many other things, this is a little thing. Still, I'd love for you to say a prayer me - for us. It's difficult for all of us, I think.
Not being able to see family that you are close to is very difficult. I will pray for you Jane anne. I have been there.
So glad you sister is ok now too.
What an awesome post! Your sister sounds like such a wonderful person.
I am separated by distance from my sister and brother. I miss them terribly! I'll be praying for you and your family.
Saying lots and lots of prayers.
Praying for you, your family and to your sister's health!
What a wonderful relationship the two of you share. Praying that you'll get to spend more time together in the future.
You have made me miss not having a sister. This post was so beautiful. Prayers and blessings your way Jane Anne!
You have the sweetest heart....I'm sorry I didn't get to see you while you were here....I just wanted to visit with such an extraordinary young woman....you inspire me to be a better person! Carrie is a sweetie amd you are both lucky to have each other and Jennifer!
patti b.
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