I forgot that I had a walk-in closet in my bedroom. I am serious! I had crammed so much in my closet that it was difficult (and frustrating) to get to my clothes. So, yesterday I pulled everything that was on the floor of my closet out. I have not figured out where all of that stuff is going to go yet but it isn't going to go back in there! I am going to get rid of stuff. I don't need it all. That much is certain. I am going to stop putting stuff in my closet that doesn't belong so I can start enjoying the closet I was excited about when we bought our house.
The discovery of my long-lost walk-in closet reminded me of something I read last week (and not for the first time, either) about the master bedroom. The words that follow inspire me. I constantly struggle with keeping my room clean and free of clutter. However, these words remind me of the importance of making my room a haven.
"Think of the most romantic place you've ever been. Was it a hotel? A weekend spa? A romp in a grassy field? Okay-no one needs so much information. But I'll bet you anything it was a place free of clutter and distractions that might have detracted from your loving moments. Follow that same basic concept if you are looking to create peace and calm. What do you want from the space where you sleep, and where you and your partner have your most intimate moments? What is your vision for your relationship? You bedroom should be a place that reflects this and fosters calm, warmth, and love. Reclaim your space. Only you can make that happen."
Peter Walsh, It's All Too Much
Here's one quote more from the same book-
"No room in the home should be more important to a couple than their bedroom. Disarray in the master bedroom has more impact on family life, on peace and harmony, on love and respect, and on a relationship than it does in any other room."
It is February and love is in the air... or at least the commercialization of Valentine's Day is everywhere. You might be thinking about ways to show your spouse love. Let me give you an idea: Declutter your room. It will be the best kind of gift to your husband. Probably, he won't even recognize it (and by all means, don't expect him to!). It will be a gift to yourself so you can enjoy your space more. When I enjoy my space more, I am happier and more loving. That will be your gift to your spouse (wink, wink).
Loved this post. It is true. I am a much happier camper when things are in their proper places and clutter is up. I want a walk in closet so badly:)
You're right!! My bedroom closet is so cluttered right now! It's weird because I will clear it out and it ends up being the same way in a few months!! I should bless my husband by decluttering.
Oh, the same thing happens to me! I'm actually decluttering my pantry and cleaning up my kitchen today. I find that when the kitchen/breakfast area/den (one big open space) is clean, the whole family relaxes a little bit and the kids are calmer. I am really inspired to work on the master bedroom and my walk-in closet. It's really large enough to be another room, so has turned into a storage closet for holiday decorations (among other stuff). It's time to clean out what I don't wear anymore, get rid of what we don't need, and sell, toss, or donate to rest. Thanks for the inspiration!
I can't stand clutter! The worst is our kitchen counter. Everyone piles everything on it! I realize I can't live in a "Better Homes & Garden" house, but I do feel better when everything's put in its proper place!
Great post! :o)
we are redoing our closet too. I love going through and purging, however it is a little depressing how much doesn't fit!
Love your post! I'm sure many people can relate. I know our room can... My husband and I just went through our closet 2 weeks ago and got rid of so much. Everytime I look at the clean space I'm a little more relaxed even if the rest of my room is still a work in progress. If you do have lot's of clothes to get rid of the River Center church in town does have a clothing bank along with their food bank. They do give you a tax write off slip just like the goodwill. This way we know it's helping our own community. Just thought I would let you know.
I guess you could say I have a walk in closet. Except when I walk in there I don't go anywhere. It's one of those small closets with sliding doors. Still, I guess I could walk in there if I tried hard enough, lol!
I'm actually going to clean out my husband's closet for v. day. A gift to both of us. Hopefully, he will notice! :)
Need help cleaning it out ??!?!? :)
My closet is a disaster area too!!! Your words have inspired me today =)
Great idea! We have so many catch-all spots where stuff collects. It would be so nice to have a clutter-free bedroom...but I wonder how long mine would stay that way?
What a great post! You are too cute and I hope all goes well with the declutterization! Our room isn't too bad, but painting is on the list for this summer! You go girl!
I love your recommendation for a Valentine's gift. Made me laugh.
My husband would probably appreciate it if I were to allow clutter to pile up in our house. I am a bit of an extremist...always throwing his stuff away. However, I can't help myself. Once I make the decision to clean, look out!
Great advice and just the kick in the butt I needed to get up there and clean it up! Tomorrow's to do list starts upstairs rather than downstairs! thanks!
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