I did not go back and forth all day Sunday about whether or not I was going to participate in Not Me! Monday. I have not been questioning my creative abilities ever since someone pointed out that I participate in a regular post (like Not Me! Monday, Tasty Tuesday, etc) every day of the week. I have not been trying to convince myself that I am a creative person ever since - not at all. I don't think that putting together complete sentences when you have 4 children can qualify as creative writing - not me!
Ok, I feel better saying all of that. Now, on to some little things I didn't do this week.
I didn't find a cup with a lid on it in the dishwasher when I was unloading it. It was no surprise the cup didn't get clean on the inside. I think my husband put the cup in there in there because I certainly didn't do it - not me.
Last Monday, I did not congratulate a blogland friend on the big football win only to realize 1 second after posting that I had just congratulated an Arizona Cardinals fan. Oops- that's awful. I am not posting this because she threatened to comment about it on my next Not Me! Monday post - not me!
I did not open the door to my van one day this week and think, "Man, my car still stinks." That thought was not followed by, "My car kind smells like an old diaper...oooooohhhhhhh noooooo." I definitely did not locate a diaper that I had left in the bottom of the stroller (because there weren't any trash cans handy) one week before. That's disgusting! That would never happen - not to me.
I didn't follow my husband's suggestion to go get a couple of groceries in the next town over so I could get a latte. I didn't get to the exit at that town at the exact time that the Starbucks was closing. I did not keep driving to the next town 20 miles away just because it felt good to drive, I had the time, and I had convinced myself that latte was going to be delicious. I absolutely did not consider not mentioning this to my husband when he didn't question what took me so long - not me!
Oh not an old pooey diaper! Icky!
The fact that you are able to find time to blog at all, in the midst of having four children and completing all of the associated duties that accompany your darling muchkins is nothing short of miraculous. Seriously. If I were in your position, I would be lucky if I could post a sentence or two...a week. Oh, people and their opinions. I, for one, like your content. Keep it up!
When you have a chance, check out our site. We passed along a bit of love your way:
Too funny...what we wouldn't do for that yummy coffee. LOL and the old diaper. Ugh. gross. But yet so glad you found the stink:)
I have so NOT found an old poopy diaper in my car before. That would be disgusting! And the cup win the dishwasher...so NOT something I would do!
Great list!
Good thing you found that diaper before the coffee drive!
For the Not Me! record, the diaper that was not left in my car was only really wet. The stench of a really wet diaper just gradually grows each day. But, thankfully, it didn't happen - ha!
Keep up creative juices flowing. Great post!! FYI, I would drive 100 miles without kids in my car for a starbucks. Not sure if the coffee is THAT good or I just need the silence!!!
LOL. I love this weekly post. It always provides a good laugh and reminds me of your wonderful sense of humor. Keep doing it, please!
In my humble opinion....
Your Not me posts brighten my day. Since I have been reading them I look at my days differently. I am always wondering if I could ever find 4 or 5 things that could be anywhere near as funny. Nope, I can't do it because I am an accountant turned Mom - translated not one lick of creativity. You on the other hand are dripping with it, how else could a diaper story be so darn funny!!
It is your blog and you can do whatever you want with it, including deleting the comments that you don't like LOL...
And so what if you use carnivals as an outlet of that creativity - it works for you. You know, just in case you ever needed an idea for Works For Me Wednesdays!!
These are funny! Love the latte one (and the diaper).
Hey, participating in memes are just a way of have a direction for your post that day, plus it brings traffic to your blog. It has nothing to do with lacking creativity because you still have to write the post.
I am not doing Not Me! as I am currently doing my Making Your Home Sing Monday! posts. And sometimes I do At The Well if I have time.
But I have done Tighward Tuesday and Frugal Fridays and this weekend I did my first Internet cafe.
I still have to write the posts so I don't worry at all about being creative and you shouldn't either!
Maybe they were just teasing you and didn't mean anything by it.
I really should clarify- my friend was not giving me a hard time about participating in blog carnivals. It was me that suddenly realized I might be lacking in creativity. The friend was simply complimenting my blog. I appreciate all of the encouragement. Thanks everyone!
A girl needs her starbuck . . . too funny!!
I did not read this post in an attempt to linger just a little longer on the computer when I should in fact be preparing my home for your arrival - NOT ME!!! =}
If it makes you feel better, it wasn't me who left a dirty diaper in my son's room only to wake up the next morning and realize the poor kid had to sleep all night with that stench. Cuz, that'd be gross!
Great list - you are creative.
HAAAAAAAAAAA! That doesn't qualify as creative writing?? Well SHOOT!! LOL
You need to join the I heart faces! Your daughter is beautiful!
Ewwwwwwwwwww....poopy diapers. I have never done that before...nope...not me!
Great post!
JJ - I just have to say that every time I read one of your Not Me Mondays or Wednesday Words, I think, "oy. She's SO creative. I could never think of stuff to say. And she keeps up in blogland with 4 children!" You are awesome. And I love all of your posts.
It's even worse when your car stinks and you can't figure out why... that never happens to me! Thanks for visiting my blog!
Good thing our hubbies don't read our blogs, huh? Happy NMM!
Ok, I did tell my husband about the trip North for the latte. I just hesitated. I just waited a while before I fessed up. And then, he said, "Oh, that's a Not me! Monday post!"
I would have done the same thing if it came to me getting a nice hot cup of coffee!!
LOL @ the hidden diaper! I remember doing that once or twice before! LOL
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