Carey at Life in the Car Pool Lane tagged me with an award. It is the Friendship Award.

I really appreciate the blog friendships that I have made. It is an honor to have friends that visit my blog and enjoy my words.
I was tagged by "My Confessions of Craziness" in a meme to list 20 random things about me. The rules were: You are supposed to write a note with 20 random things, facts, habits, or goals about yourself.
Francesca at Three Bay B Chicks tagged me in a meme to make a list of things that I love. The rules were: List things you love. Choose a number that is significant to you.
In response, I thought I would make a list of 20 random things that I love. I decided to make a list of brands that I love. It was harder than I expected.
Brands that I would rather not do without:
1. Starbucks coffee
2. Charmin Ultra soft toilet paper
3. Hunts Ketchup
4. Birkenstocks
5. Toyotas
6. Aveda Hair products
7. Coca Cola
8. Guittard Chocolate Chips
9. Sun Butter
10. Sara Lee Bagels
11. Aquafresh Kids Tooth paste
12. Play-dough
13. Mallorie’s Milk
14. Johnson’s soap bar
15. Kraft Deli-sliced American Cheese
16. Ritz Crackers
17. Bath and Body Works Bubble Bath
18. Puffs with lotion
19. Huggies Supreme diapers
20. Forever Stamps
Now, look at my list and tell me if you agree with any of them: you couldn't do without them. Go ahead an let me know if you disagree (like, if you are a Pepsi lover -ew, yuck).
Boo to you on Hunts & CocaCola - I only ever buy Heinz & Pepsi. In fact I am drinking one right now.
But because my maiden name is Johnson and I only ever use Puffs I guess you are forgiven :-)
I am a Dunkin donuts girl for coffee...not starbucks, but in a pinch it will do. LOL
i've got the guittard chocolate chips and sunbutter in my kitchen and diet coke... but it would be diet pepsi if the price was right.
hunts ketchup? ewww! heinz all the way baby! :)
what a fun list.
We use the aquafresh kids toothpaste, too - it's just easier and neater for my son! SunButter - eh, we can do without, even though we are a PA family. We have found soybutter to be much more palatable here. A few others for me - Hondas, Cheez-Its, Gimbal's Jelly Beans, Coca Cola, Starbucks (doubleshots, to be specific!). Forever stamps are a great one, too!
I agree with the Coca Cola but Diet Coke and the Forever stamps are great! I can't believe it's going up to 44 cents in May.
Absolutely agree with #1!!! And we use Charmin, but it's the Ultra Strong variety..and that's all I'm gonna say about THAT. Haha!
Loved your list!
Well I am not real brand specific on some things but I like my diet pepsi!
I agree with Coke but I'm a Honda and Coffee Bean gal!
hey now..i'm a pepsi lover. but LOVE coke out of the fountain sodas. :0)
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