Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Is it that Simple?

Elisabeth got herself quite worked up this morning. We have converted her exersaucer into a standup play center. We changed it about a week ago. She has enjoyed crawling over to it, pulling up, cruising along and playing with the different toys, and then lowering herself down and crawling away. (I highly recommend this exersaucer. It's awesome!) Anyway, today she pulled up to standing facing the same way that she tended to stand when it was a true exersaucer. She played for a few minutes and then she wanted "out". She started to fuss and looked at me with peading eyes. She held her hand up, as if to say, "Get me out of here." She got frustrated. I waited to see how long it would take her to remember that she wasn't in the seat and that she could just crawl away. As I waited and watched, she got more upset. (And, then I took her picture- mean Momma that I am!) I ended up getting her. I picked her up and she was happy. I put her back down in a different location (just a bit away from the toy) to see what her reaction would be. She was fine. She just didn't want to be where she was and she either didn't remember what to do to get down or she didn't want to do it.

For a few minutes I kept thinking about her frustration and how amazed I was that she didn't figure out what to do. It dawned on me that I am not all that different at times. Sometimes I know the answer to a situation but it isn't the easy answer. I want to be thinner so I think about a crash diet instead of cutting back on my calories and dedicating myself to exercise. I want to get rid of debt so I try to figure out how to make more money instead of cutting back on what I am spending. I want my kids to be responsible but I am reluctant to be make them work. I often know what I should do but I want something easier. I want a quick fix. I want the simple solution. Watching my daughter, I found her frustration humorous. My frustrations can be just as ridiculous. Though I may pray for miracles, sometimes God really wants me to use my abilities and take the necessary steps to accomplish the task.


John and Carrie said...

Wow. Beautiful post! (Insights). Thanks!

Carmom said...

Thank you for such wonderful insight. You always seem to say things just whe I need them. Thank you!

Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

This is so true and very well put.. Pictures are way to cute also...

Trisha said...

This is great. It would be so easy if we could just snap our fingers and the magic would happen. But how much stronger we are, looking back at all of the things we had to work through.