I have had cabin fever a lot lately. I am enjoying living in Oregon but I am still adjusting to small town living. I know there are much smaller towns and maybe some people would laugh at my perspective. Lebanon has challenged my sense of contentment. I recognize it might not be all Lebanon. It might be a combination of having a 2 month old during the the rainy season in the NW and being new to town. All the same, I have been struggling to find ways to get out of the house. Yesterday I decided I had it all figured out. I would gather up the crew (David, Thomas, and Elisabeth) and head into Albany for a trip to Fred Meyer. (Oh, the beauty of this plan. I was motivated and looking forward to accomplishing something without stress.) David and Thomas could play in the Fred Meyer play area and I could shop. I built up the trip to the boys. They were intrigued. Thomas had never visited the playland and David just couldn't remember. I was imagining calmly shopping while in close proximity to other people. It was the perfect plan. So, we got ready, Elsie was fed, and the boys were looking forward to the adventure (they really seemed to be happy about getting out, too). I walked into Fred Meyer, with Elsie in the front part of the cart and the boys holding on to either side. I stood there looking around. Something wasn't right. I asked the checkout clerk and to my surprise, the Albany Fred Meyer does not have a playland. I kept my composure and we shopped. The boys were really well behaved. I was very, very thankful that! All the while, I couldn't help but think, "This sure isn't my WA Fred Meyer."

The trip was successful. It didn't go as orginally planned but I was still pleased. I did get out of the house. I did get something accomplished. And, I did swing by the Albany drive-thru Starbucks!
For my SE friends: Fred Meyer is owned by Kroger. I had not ever heard of them before we moved to WA. Many of them are Super-Walmartish, complete with grocery, clothing, and home improvement departments. They often have (but not always) a playland for kids. You can check your kids (younger than Kindergarten age) in at the playland and they are watched while you shop.
Great job!!! I'm sure it felt wonderful just to get out.
I lived in Ruston Louisiana for 3 years (16-19 years old) where they had a 24/hr Super Walmart. We had moved from Lebanon where they had just gotten a regular Walmart. When we moved back to Lebanon, I was mortified at the Walmart in town. Not only was it not a Super Walmart, but it was only open to 8pm on a Sunday night. Now I feel wonderful that I can go to Wallyworld anytime of the night (but now with kids I wouldn't do that anyhow).
I know how it feels to be stuck at home with two (I certainly don't claim to know what's it's like with four) and you did well getting out! If you ever want to take a trip to Walmart or the Mall or Costco let me know! :) Small town living is an adjustment!
None of the stores in CO has a playland! However, when we went to TX to visit Greg's family....I made them take me to IKEA. I love that place...a love I found in Europe first. Anyway, they have a playland and my sister-in-law was overjoyed at being able to drop my niece and nephew off at the playland while we shopped. The kids loved it too. They were SO excited to go to IKEA! You'd think they loved shopping there as much as yours truly! :)
I am so glad that you were able to get out of the house and the kids didn't make it something you regretted. And making it to the drive-thru Starbucks?!? Even better! :)
Jane Anne, I'm so proud of you for two very different reasons. First of all for not walking right back out of the store when you realized there was no playland. And for 2 - YOU TOOK PICTURES!!! :) You go girl!
It would be great to have child care while I shop. I am impressed that you were able to shop with all three. I do my shopping on the weekends just so I can leave the kids with Matt.
FG Meyer in Puyallup is my favorite store.)
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