Here are some things that I most definitely did not do this week:
I most certainly did not crack into a gigantic smile today when I discovered a voicemail that my husband left me last week. I did not get any pleasure out of listening to him say that Tennessee’s football team was going to wipe up the field with Alabama. I did not listen to the message more than once just for kicks. No way – not me.
I did not decide that salsa and chips would make an excellent lunch today. I am not sitting here at 2:15 eating them while I type out this list. That would not be healthy so I would not enjoy the salty treat at all –not me.
I did not take my kids to 2 different pumpkin patches this weekend only to decide to get pumpkins at Wal-mart because they were bigger and cheaper. I was not totally thrilled that they didn’t mind that we didn’t make a family trip to Wal-mart (because the game was about to start). All of that- it would be totally insane- so I wouldn’t do it- not me.
I did not give a gift to a 4 year-old that required one of his parents to spend time getting it set up, during the birthday party. I did not later admit to the parent that we had a similar toy, which the boys loved, that I have since hid because of the fighting it caused. That might mean my thoughtful gift wasn't that thoughtful - so I didn't do that - not me.
I did not give my 11 month old her first taste of a pop-tart this week because I was running late and out of her favorite Ritz crackers. That would be too extremely different from the homemade baby food that I prepared for my 1st son. I cannot imagine that I would do that-not me.
I do not secretly love it and cringe every time my son tells people over and over and over (repeat 5 times) that he is allergic to nuts. This happened today at the birthday party. I could not feel proud and embarrassed about that at the same time—not me.
I did not groan loudly and exaggerate my disbelief when my husband complained (in a ‘I know I shouldn’t be saying this way’) about how hard it is to adjust to the noise at home after being out of town. I would not react in a childish way like that- no way, not me.
I am not sad to make myself stop blogging because I have a ton of housework to do. I thrive on laundry and washing dishes so finishing this post couldn’t make me sad – not me.
Thanks for reading what's not going on here. Feel to let me know what you are not doing.
reference the loudness: But it is so QUIET in a hotel by myself! And it IS hard to adjust! hehehehehe
your mondays make me laugh!
I DID NOT have chips and salsa for lunch while blogging at 2 today either... I think I like you!! LOL!!
I LOVE this post!!!
Very cute, I love chips and salsa for lunch and dinner.
My two year old is starting to say I'm allergic to things now. Or his other famous one is No Nuts for Me....
Have a great evening.
I love the "Not Me" posts. It is a great way to start the week!
definitely loving' the not me mondays you've got going on! - i DID NOT spend most of yesterday on the computer getting caught up on blog posts, emails and facebook to then have my husband come home and make dinner after having worked all day. there is NO WAY i would do that - not me!!! =)
Chips and Salsa is one of my favorite lunches in a hurry! You mean that's not good? :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)
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