Thursday, October 30, 2008

Thankful Thursday #60

It is 9:35 and I am avoiding cleaning up the breakfast dishes... okay, we had breakfast for dinner but still I don't feel like doing the dishes! I had a busy, busy, wonderfully busy day. Tomorrow is Halloween. I made a special trip to the dollar store yesterday for craft supplies to do some Halloween art and to pick up candy corn. The artwork hasn't happened. The store was out of candy corn (the 2 boys that were with me were not happy at all about that) and to my knowledge that is the only store that carries a brand that does not have a nut warning. My kids have been doing a Halloween count down all week and suddenly after seeing this, I don't feel as if I am excited enough! (I am so impressed with those costumes!) Did I mention that I feel like rambling? I better get to my thankful list.

Here are a few of the ways my thanks tank was filled this week:

1. Last Thursday's Post: Going all the way back to a week ago- I am thankful that I was given the opportunity to write the post about David's allergy. I have made some wonderful connections to other people dealing with food allergies. It was also great to have a reason to document our journey.
2. Our church: Our church has been tremendously supportive of us educating others about David's allergy. We were able to talk about it during church on Sunday and then I wrote a small article in the church newsletter. They have encouraged (and proded) me to be vocal.
3. My husband's attitude: Seth has had a crazy week at work: going in very early some mornings and working very late some nights. He has been encouraging to me when he has been home. That is priceless and very appreciated.
4. Teamwork: As an individual I cannot always accomplish what I wish I could (due to simple demands of motherhood). Today a group of moms reached out to another mom in a way that couldn't have happened if we hadn't all worked together. One mom watched the kids (a bunch of kids, I might add) and the rest of us we able to be there for a friend. It was powerful to me to see teamwork in action.
5. Humor: Oh my--tonight my 7 year-old sang this song to the tune of Jingle Bells. It is a take-off of the Batman Smells version.

Jingle Bells, Daddy Smells
Momma laid an Egg
The Toyota lost a wheel
and the kids all got away.

I laughed pretty hard at the song and even harder when he was explaining each verse.
v1: Because Daddy smells when he has gas v2: Because Momma has babies v3: Because the van broke down once v4: because we want freeeeedom!! I thanked him for singing the song to me. I was tired and I had 4 very tired kids with me. It was the perfect bit of humor on the drive home from swimming lessons.
6. Spiderman Punching Toy: I alluded to this toy here (AJ: This was a favorite gift. I may sound unappreciative but I am not. This is more about my kids learning to share than about the actual toy.). The day after the birthday party, I got out the toy. I am thankful that I bit-the-bullet and got the toy out of its hiding place. I am thankful that I didn't lose it when my kids immediately starting fighting over it. I am also thankful (please forgive me) that we discovered that it has a small hole in it.

7. Exercise: This week, I had a chance to go jogging and I also tried out a water aerobics class. I am thankful for how great I feel when I exercise.
8. Stillness and the sound of silence: The other night I as I was jogging (and walking), I had my IPOD turned up loud. Then, I was struck by the beauty of the stars. I stopped, turned off the music, stood still and took in the beauty of God's creation.
9. Children asleep in my arms: One of my darling boys was so tired tonight that he couldn't stop getting frustated and crying. I held him, rocked him, read to him, and he fell asleep in my arms. Elsie also fell asleep in my arms last night. That such a sweet feeling.

The dishes are about done (because I keep going back and forth). I better finish up and make sure I have everything ready for "dress-up day"!


Kimberly said...

jonathan's song was VERY funny!!! loved your thankful list!!!

Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

Boy, I should really do a thankful list. Just reading yours helped me put a few things in perspective, thank you for sharing. I too was very grateful for your post last week.

God is working through you, what a wonderful thing...

Kimberly said...

yeah, nothing really beats kids (especially your own) falling asleep in your arms! i LOVE that!!! =)

Anonymous said...

ah well! i'm glad that the boys got some enjoyment out of the punching toy! and i'm sorry you had to deal with the fighting!! see, you can tell i'm only an aunt and of two girls! :) i'm learning! greg couldn't think of a better toy for a little boy but i guess we didn't factor in THREE boys! heehee

Jill@Barnes Yard said...

I'm glad you appreciate our absence of dignity and integrity...but hey the 3 year olds loved it :)