Thursday, October 02, 2008

Thursday Thanks Tank #58

My Thanks Tank is full but my battery needs to be charged. I know from recent experience you cannot get anywhere in a car with a full tank of gas and a dead battery! I don't know if that makes sense to you or not. I have so many wonderful things going on in my life right now but I seem to be wrapped up in the busyness of those things and unable feel the right amount of gratitude in my heart. My Thanks Tank is full but I have been wearing myself too thin. I realize that this exercise is a benefit to me, inspite of myself. So, here it is, my list of thankful thoughts this week:

1. Football: I am having fun with BAMA's football season so far. It has been a long, long time since my team has had this kind of success. I am thankful for the enjoyment me and my hubby get out of watching games... and the joy I get every time my dad calls me when BAMA scores! Oh, and the joy I get hearing my kids say "ROOOOLLLLLL TIIIIIIDE"
2. Baby Smiles: Recently I woke up in the worst mood (it happens more than I care to admit) and I could not shake the blues no matter how I tried. Then it was time to get Elisabeth out of bed and her smile melted my heart. Baby smiles are precious.
3. MOPS: I am thankful for the gals in my MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group. I had several MOPS meetings this week so it was on my mind a bunch. I am thankful for the growing friendships in the group.
4. Excitement about School: Jonathan had his school open house this week. He was so excited about the open house that he the days leading up to it. The night before the day of the open house he prayed that we would be excited about what he had been working on. It was priceless. I enjoyed every minute of him showing me his class and telling me about what he was working on. I am thankful that he loves to learn.
5. Routines: I have always been a believer in routines for my kids. I like to get my little ones on a routine early. It helps us (them and me) know what to expect. I learned this week something that I should have learned a long time ago, I benefit from having a routine for myself. Bit by bit, I have been organizing my days and setting alloting time to clean, read, and take care of myself. As a result, I am much happier at the end of the day.
6. Taking Initiative: I am thankful for the ways I am being stretched right now. I talked to someone today that really encouragement me about a new project I am taking on. I am thankful for the reminder I got that investing your heart in something (caring) produces a better outcome.
7. Dead Car Battery: I am thankful my car battery died on Monday. As strange as that seems, I was able to maintain a good attitude, change plans, enjoy my morning even when I thought I wanted to be doing something else. I am thankful for the reminders that 1) I am in control of my emotions and 2) how I handle difficulties affects my kids.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I'm jealous of your MOPS! Sweet Home only gets together 1 time a month. Not sure if I could attend more now with so much school but I feel sorta disconnected!