Friday, March 21, 2008

I am thankful for my life.

I looked in the mirror yesterday and I marveled. I looked at myself long enough to look past my image. Who am I? I tried to see myself the way God sees me. I tried to imagine what made him love me so grandly. I wanted to look long enough to see what God sees. I tried but I couldn’t see what I wanted. I did get a new vision of myself. I am unique. I am one of a kind. There is no one else like me. My fingerprints are mine alone. I was fearfully and wonderfully made. I have some 700+ muscles and a little over 200 bones. I have around 3 ½ liters of blood in my body. It all works together so that I can breathe, walk, talk and think. My life is a gift from God. I was conceived and I grew within my mother’s womb. I was woven together in my mother’s womb. The beginning of life is nothing short of a miracle. The process of being born is outstanding. I am loved despite who I have become. I am loved in spite of my pride, my reputation, my attitude, my frustration, my worries, and my self-centeredness. I am loved by my God. I have been given the gift of life! I can live because he loves me. He loved me enough to create me. I was wonderfully made. I can live because I have an amazing Creator! I can talk to my creator and counselor. I can leave my worries and hurts with him. I can live boldly. I can talk to my God and he listens to me as a Father. He created me in his image. In his infinite wisdom and tremendous, overwhelming and unchanging love, he gave me the ability to live, grow and be with him. I accept what He did for me. I accept that God loves me today. I accept that He cared enough to send his Son for me to bear the consequences of my failures. I cannot understand it. I cannot work it out in my brain to seem sensible. I believe and have faith in my loving God. My faith gives me life! I can live fully because I believe in the miracle of Jesus’s life. I was given the gift of life! I am so thankful for living and being loved.

Let me encourage you to spend some time this Easter weekend thinking about the tremendous and amazing gift of life you were given. Take a few minutes and look in the mirror. Marvel at yourself and then marvel at your creator and all He has given you.

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