Friday, September 05, 2008

thankFUL Friday

This has been a fun and very busy week. I got home late last night after setting up for our first MOPS meeting and enjoy a late dessert with the MOPS girls.

Here are some things that I am thankful for:

1. MOPS: My MOPS group starts this morning. I am excited about the year. I am looking forward to this meeting. I am very thankful that I kept with it last year. I am very thankful to be a part of the leadership team. I am thankful for the other gals that are on leadership with me.
2. School: Jonathan started school this week. I am thankful that it is going well and that he is excited about it.
3.David: David turned 5 on Tuesday. I am so thankful for him and all the joy he brings me. I have spent time this week being thankful for his successful arrival into my life. I have enjoyed spending some one on one time with him and making him feel special on his big day.
4. The law: I am thankful for our laws. I found out about an Oregon law at the beginning of the week that has the potential to delay David starting preschool. We (his teachers and us) just found out about a state law that requires state training for Epipen use in public settings. As frustrating as it has been for me, I can now say that I am thankful we have laws that are set in place to protect us.
5. Family Fun: Last Friday night we had a end-of-the-summer-video-game-celebration at our house. It was crazy fun! We had a scavenger hunt (which reveal a video game treasure) and lots of yummy treats. It was a blast!

That's it for me this morning. I gotta go wake up a 2nd grader. I am very thankful for this week. And, I am going to be so, so thankful for the weekend when it gets here!!


sarah said...

As a teacher I am thankful for the Epipen law too. I had to use them twice for different students and I know without the training it would have made a tense situation scary.

Kathy said...

My MOPS group began just two weeks ago. I am so thankful for it too. Thanks for all your encouraging words and prayers, Jane Anne! I know you have been in my shoes... for an even LONGER period of time. It's nice to know friends who have been here.