He said, "Momma, Mrs. Sullivan said it was really, really hard to choose... but she still choose me." He was also aware that for the 2nd year in a row he was choosen as the student of the month for September: "Two years in a row, I am the first Student of the Month."
It is wonderful to see Jonathan excited about the award. I want him to like school. It fills my heart with happiness to think about Jonathan "showing responsibility, cooperation and respect" at school. I am proud of him.
Here's the award:
Jonathan holding the award:
Jonathan last year:
(Side Note: Yesterday was also picture day at school. When I picked him up, I noticed that the top button of his shirt was buttoned. He proudly told me he buttoned up it right before pictures. Seth thinks the "student of the month" picture is the ultimate nerd picture. I, of course, just think it is simply adorable. And, I cannot wait to see those school pictures!)
Way 2 go, Jonathan!!!
That is so exciting! Congrats Jonathan! He must have a really, really good Mommy!
Yeah for Jonathan! He's so handsome and not geeky at all!
What a cutie pie!
Awesome! Eli only got Student of the Week a few weeks ago - it was cool for him to go visit Dad/Principal for his congratulations! But Jonathon's is like 4 Student of the Weeks! Way cool!
That is so terrific! You and Jonathan must be VERY proud! I'm just hoping Tristan will stay off the 'unemployed' list in his classroom....it's been three days and counting (the first three 'clean' days of the year!)
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