I am so thankful that today is almost over!
I am so thankful that it is almost the weekend!
I thought about just leaving this post at that... but I want to jot down a few more things because I have a lot filling up my thanks tank:
1. An unexpected phone call: I got an unexpected call from a friend I hadn't talked to in months and months. It was wonderful to catch up!
2. Good Doctor Visits: 3 of our 4 children had a visit with the doctor today. I was a bit stressed about it. It went well. They were well behaved. And, I should not have worried about what the doctor was going to say.
3. David's preschool director and teacher: I am thankful for the care and kindness of the staff at David's preschool. We had a great meeting with the preschool board this week about David's allergy.
4. Sports Illustrated September Issue: (Oh, I know this is such a simple joy...but we must be thankful in ALL circumstances) The Cover page says: SEC BEWARE Alabama Sends An Early Warning. The inside article says, "The Tide is Turning." I am so thankful for how well Bama is doing! It is FUN!! (And, my hubby bought me the magazine...what a humble gift of love)
5. Text: Seriously, I am thankful that I got a Text message this week with pictures of my friend buying minature Heath bars. What would I do without that encouragement!? I, of course, had to buy some tonight! (It's almost Halloween, right?)
6. Laughter: My husband makes me laugh. My kids make me laugh. I also love baby giggles.
7. Finding Lost Items: I have been in such a state of disarray, looking for many lost items. Last night my 7 year old prayed that we would find one of the items. Today, we found 2 things that were missing (including the item he prayed for). I couldn't have been happier. They were both in the "black hole" toy closet.
8. Getting Organized: I have been cleaning and organizing like crazy (because, you know, I have lost so many things). I am enjoying getting organized!
9. Legos: I cannot imagine my house without the joy of Legos. Our boys play with legos each and every day (even more now that we are on the school schedule-- no video games except on weekends).
10. Lists: (Boy, this list has turned into a long one!) At the begining of the week I made a big "To Do" list and I have been working on it each day. I love it! I feel so productive seeing each item marked off the list.
I LOVE YOU LIST! I truly love Thursday (or the occasional Friday) when I get to "surf" over to your blog and check out the things that are making you thankful. You are ALWAYS such an encouragement to me! I'm so thankful for you!
Enjoy your weekend!
that was supposed to read - i love YOUR list! hopefully you got as big of a chuckle out of it as I just did!!!
Hi! I finally found your blog thru Jessica's blog:-)
It was so nice seeing you on friday and looking forward to seeing you next time!
Have a great weekends!
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