Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

I spent much of the day thinking about Memorial Day. This morning I wondered exactly how I could honor the day. My husband had to work. We did not have any special plans. Here's what I did: I read about Memorial Day online. I said a prayer for the families that have lost soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. Then, I talked to my kids about why we celebrate Memorial day. I started by asking if they knew what Memorial day is. Jonathan said, "It is the day we celebrate the army guys that died in the war." We talked about the different military branches and how we honor those that died. As I have thought about it, I have decided Jonathan wasn't really wrong. It is about celebrating what they were willing to do for our country. It is about celebrating people who served and gave us their all. I cannot forget- people are doing that today.

For another Memorial Day tribute, stumble over here.


Kimberly said...

thank you so much for reminding me that memorial day is a "holiday" for a reason not just a day off of school or work. I will need to keep that in mind and make sure that I'm teaching my girls that.

Unknown said...

Your little girl is SO PRECIOUS. She is just beautiful. It makes me want to try for one more but I would be scared to have 4 boys. Joey tells me you guys have occasional exchanges on his blog. Do you like living in Oregon? I am so happy that you have a daughter. So happy for you....

Jane Anne said...

Suzanne- I don't know I still have your email address or not...
We are really enjoying having a girl. I am often still amazed that she is here. I like Oregon. I am still adjusting to small town living but the area is nice. Thanks for stopping by the blog. I enjoy reading the more than cake blog. Your husband's posts are very thought provoking. And, I love your stories!