I am thankful for my Family. We are visiting our families this week and we are simply having an amazing time. There is nothing like the joy of getting together with parents and siblings and letting all of the cousins play. I am so incredibly thankful for our families and that I am able to spend time with them.
Cousins on the Queen side:
Cousins on the Owen side:
What precious pictures. They will cherish these many years to come, as will you.
I hope that you are having SO MUCH FUN with your families! Please tell your parents that the McCoys say hello!
By the way, I'm not sure if this is the best time to tell you, after my last post but Keith's had to drive your van a couple of times. We'll make sure we buff out any scratches! Ha, ha!
Such cuties!
What a precious time with family. Enjoy!
I'm SO glad that posted these photos. It is amazing how much the kids have all grown! I hope you all are having a wonderful time. Tell Mawma Queen ;) happy birthday for me!! =)
Love you,
Amy Jo
I tagged you today. Come see!
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