Here are some things I am thankful for today:
1. Jonathan is cast-free!! He got his cast off on Tuesday. I am thankful that the appointment went well and that his arm is healing correctly. I am very thankful for my friend that let us stay are her house and watched the youngest boys during the appt.
2. Smooth Traveling: We (the boys and I) drove back up to WA on Monday for Jonathan’s doctor appointment and then drove home to OR on Tuesday. It was a bit challenging for me being pregnant, driving that way and entertaining the boys. The boys were great! We even got stuck in some significant Portland traffic and the boys were able to handle long trip with minimal complaining.
3. My husband’s attitude: Truth be told, I back into something at a rest area on my trip. I was not happy. It was a bit emotional for me. Despite the dent and scratches on my bumper, my husband was very, very gracious and only said kind words to me.
4. Friendly Neighbors: We have had several people come and introduce themselves. We have even had 2 neighbors bring homemade goodies. I have been quite surprised by this outpouring of kindness. It feels like southern hospitality (and I am not in the South!). In all of our moving around (this is the 5th state), we have never had welcoming neighbors bringing treats. It speaks well for small town living in Oregon.
5. My Pantry: For the first time, I am enjoying a real pantry. It is so nice to have a pantry! I think that I occasionally just open the door an look in to see how much space I have for my food. (In the last place, my food was spread in different cabinets throughout the kitchen, depending on where I needed to put the pans and dishes.)
6. Company: On our first day in our house (moving day), we had 2 WA friends that just happened to be in OR. They drove an extra 45 minutes + (with the slight getting lost detour) just to welcome us in our new home. We have different friends that are coming this weekend. I am so excited to have them here and David is really thrilled to have guests for his birthday. In a few weeks some more WA friends will be in OR and are going to spend the night. I AM SO thankful for company! It is making my transition easier for sure.
7. Starbucks at Safeway: Okay, those of you that know me, know about my Starbucks addiction. (By the way, I attribute the addiction to CO and my friend Amy.) I am thankful for Safeway stores having Starbucks… and I am concentrating on the positive side of that since the only Starbucks in our little town is in the Safeway. All prices aside, looks like I will be a loyal Safeway shopper!
8. Prayer: I am thankful that I was reminded this morning (while in prayer) that I can turn over my stress in prayer.
9. Our new home: We are enjoying our new house. Head on over to the Owen Home blog to check out a picture.
This is my thankful list for today. Don't forget to do the same: Take a minute to be thankful today. Write down your blessings if you can and don't be afraid to share them with others!
I'm so glad to hear that Jonathan's cast is off.
I also enjoy having company. We don't do it nearly as much as we use to but are working our way back to that now.
I hope you all get settled in soon. Your new house looks lovely.
You are such an encouragement to me.
We have had a rough week praying together because of illness, but I am hoping the next couple days will be better. Thanks for mentioning it.
Have a great weekend. Praying for you as you continue to get settled in your new home.
HA! I blame MY addiction on YOU! ;) I think we helped each other out in that area. Hee hee.
Amy Jo!
So glad Jonathan's cast is off and Happy 4th Birthday to David on Sunday!
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