It is now about 11:30 at night and I am just getting a minute to wind down before bed. Even though I am writing late, I have spent a lot of time today thinking about this post. Here's what I am thankful for today:
1. My Massage: Today I went and had a massage. WOW!! I had received a gift certificate for mother’s day and I finally had a chance to use it. I have only had a massage one other time and it was about 5 years ago. This was simply incredible. I usually harbor a lot of stress in my back, shoulders, and neck. The relieved tension there was worth it. Of course, the whole massage was worth it! If you haven’t tried a massage, you really should. What a treat! If you are one of my friends in WA, I’ll pass on the name of the massage therapist. I think she has a gift!
2. Music: There is nothing like hearing a song that brings back memories. My husband found a tape that I had arranged for him years ago (when we were both in HS). He spent some time locating the songs on the internet and built an album. Hearing those songs brings back so many memories. I love how music touches my soul.
3. Family: I had an amazing trip to my hometown to visit family. We had so much fun! I am so grateful we were able to squeeze in the trip. I will be thinking about it for months to come.
4. Friends: I have been reminded a lot lately how many wonderful friends I have. While in TN, a group of friends pulled together a get-together. It was amazing to see everyone. When we left TN (10 years ago!), no one in the group had kids. Now, there were so many kids it was pure joyous chaos. I am thankful for those friends that still enjoy my company. I love them so. Also, last night (the night after returning to WA), some friends of ours here had a Going Away Party for us. I was a bit emotional about that (but I kept it hidden). I was touched by having so many friends come to say “bye” to us. Of course, I really refused to say bye to anyone. Once again, the kids way out-numbered the adults. It was crazy –but wonderful because the kids were so entertained all of the adults got to enjoy each other’s company. Our friends are so precious. I couldn’t be more thankful for ALL my friends located in so many places.
5. Cool Temps: After being (suffering) in TN’s 90 degree weather, I am really thankful for the cool NW temperatures. I haven’t sweat all day!
6. Marriage: Marriage is really on my mind this week. My dearest friend, Amy Jo, is getting married this weekend. I am constantly thinking about her and wishing I could make it to the wedding.
7. Modern Medicine: David had a pretty significant asthma attack while we were on vacation. I am very thankful for how effective his medicine works. David also had a contact reaction to peanuts in the airport. We noticed he was rubbing his eye. His eye got extremely red, the area around his eye began to swell and he had a couple hives under his eye. I am very thankful for allergy visine and Benedryl.
8. My Mother’s Day Gift Certificate: See #1. Man, that massage was awesome!!
Let's hear it. What's the name of the amazing massage therapist? Actually, on second thought just pass that info on to Keith would you?
I'm really interested in hearing the new CD of the old mixed tape. I agree there is something about music that brings to life those old memories that make you want to smile, laugh and even sometimes cry.
Thanks Janey Jane. I wish you could have made it to the wedding as well but I more than understand. But now, Greg and I will have to come and see you in Oregon and meet the brand new baby!!! An even better excuse since I didn't get to see you here! :)
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