Thursday, February 03, 2011

Thursday Thanks Tank 149

Each Thursday, I take time to focus on thankfulness. Usually (although not as much lately, it seems), I make a thankful list and blog about it. This is my Thursday Thanks Tank.

Tonight I am thankful for:

1. Supermom skills: I love when I can make my son's world all better by simply taking time to walk him in to his Kindergarten class. He was a mess, a waterfall of tears, and then I told him I would walk with him to class. By the time he arrived, he could smile at his teacher.

2. Sunshine. We've had two days of sunshine! This is H-U-G-E in the Pacific NW. Bring on Spring! I am so ready.

3. Bubble Baths: A simple pleasure that is oh-so-wonderful to me.

4. A good book: I haven't had much time to read the last couple of weeks (I know, what am I doing with my time?) but I am enjoying reading my latest book, The Living by Annie Dillard.

5. Great neighbors (with cats): I hate cats. I really do. (In my defense, I am allergic to them.) My daughter loves, loves, loves cats. Today my neighbor gave my daughter lots of playtime with her cats and I got a great break.

6. Book Club: Friends, food, wine, and lots of laughter: Tonight was book club night and I made it there. Woo hoo! Such a great, great night. I can't even tell you how much I needed it.

7. Surprises. This day surprised me. I had time to myself before late at night, which is a rarity. I was surprised at how much the combo- sunshine and getting a break- lifted my spirits.

I am thankful for today.

1 comment:

Seth said...

I'm glad you decided to go to the book club! And i bet that little boy is thankful for your SuperMom skills as well!