I am thankful for:
1. Winning. I won a $10 Target Gift Card from Carrie at Martin Manor Happenings just for commenting on her blog. Now, that's fun!
2. A fast week. This week just flew by. Last weekend was long (and boring) but this week was busy (and chaotic). Hm, I'm not really sure why I am thankful for that... but I am ready for the weekend.
3. Hugs from my kids. Long story on how this happened but I'm making my kids give me hugs every morning before school. It's on their list of things they have to do on school mornings. "Forced" or not, I'm lovin' it.
4. Surprises. I surprised my kids with a cupcake night earlier in the week. We celebrated for no reason. It was the best night. We laughed a lot and made a huge chocolate mess.
5. My camera. I've taken a ton of pictures this week. Besides the cupcake party, my 3rd son got a mowhawk. I love being able to snap away with a digital camera.
6. Friends. I've felt cared for this week. I haven't been able to respond to several people by email, yet, but I am thankful for the messages and phone calls.
7. Homemade valentines. With 3 kids in school, I have to provide a lot of valentine's. I hate spending $ on the licensced valentines. This year, I'm not. I hit up the $1 store today and I am using my printer. The kids are coloring. I love creative fun.
8. Teachers. I am so incredibly biased but I think that my kids have the best teachers. I was impressed this week (again) by how helpful the staff at my kids' school. They care about the kids Also, they pay extra attention to keep my peanut allergic son safe.
9. Easy Potty Training. I'm really saying it's easy... but potty training is going really well with my daughter. It is easier than it was with my boys.
10. My morning kid. I never thought I'd feel so thankful for him being full of energy in the morning. My morning boy has managed to save our mornings several times recently (including this morning). I'll have slept in by accident and he'll come bounding downstairs ready to get going for the day.
Take time to be thankful today. It's worth it.
that's a nice list!
I've always thankful when I read your TTT posts. Thank YOU.
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