Friday, December 16, 2011

No Shopping and Snow Flakes

Day 11: We took the kids on a no-shopping trip to Toys R Us.
This was fun for us all. We let the kids walk around and get excited about toys. We made lists of ideas. And then, we left. We were relaxed and we stayed for a long time. When we left, all of the kids left with good attitudes. It was a win-win. We got ideas and they had fun.

Day 12: Make paper snowflakes and hang them. Make edible snowflakes and eat them.

We cut out snowflakes and hung then on our banister.

We made Sweet Tortilla Snowflakes. Edible snowflakes- a simple, sweet treat! Cut out snowflakes from folded tortillas, bake them, and sprinkle them with powdered sugar.

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Foursons said...

Edible snowflakes!!!! What a great idea!

sarah said...

LOVE the snowflakes!!!! yummy and what a great idea! adding that to my file:)