Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Beach House

This past weekend Seth and I were able to take a break just the two of us. We stayed at a Beach House in Gig Harbor. When Seth was about to redeploy (return from Iraq) a friend of mine offered us the use of her parents' house in Gig Harbor. My sweet friend emphasised how small it was and did not mention that it was right on the water. We planned our trip 2 different times before the year ended but it just didn't work out. The 2nd time we almost got away but the night before out trip a storm hit that resulted in the 'great WA power outage' (we, as well as much of western Washingon, were out of power for 3 days). It was right before that storm that found out the house was on the beach. I was so surprised. For us, it really wouldn't have mattered where we were going...just having a retreat together after being apart so long was going to be incredible. We were so delighted and surprised by the beach house. Our weekend was amazing. I had 2 friends that split the weekend watching the boys. They brought their children along. The boys were thrilled about the 'sleep over weekend.' They didn't mind at all when we left (except Thomas- but he did great once we were gone.) The boys enjoyed an exciting weekend of playing with friends, staying up a little later than normal and eating treats like Oreos. Seth and I just enjoyed a lot of quiet! The place was peaceful. And, for Washington in March we were blessed with decent weather (meaning: clouds with a few moments where the sun peaked out and NO RAIN!)

We were so thankful for the weekend. We are so grateful to our giving friends. There is really no way to thank them enough for the gift of place and childcare for a weekend. It was a real blessing!

The Beach House

The View

Seth and I (we set up the timer on the camera for this shot)


Anonymous said...

Couple time without kids... hmmm... I'm not sure I comprehend the concept anymore.

leigh ann said...

Wow - that is right on the beach! I'm so glad you guys got to get away. It is SO necessary to keep your sanity! Love that we were on a trip with our hubbies at the same time. The magic lives on!