I don't want to miss Thanksgiving. Commercially, it gets overlooked. I don't want my hurried life keep me from taking time to be thankful. I don't want my fast pace to stop me from considering my blessings. I don't want to simply say Grace on Thanksgiving. I don't want scramble to find a few moments on Thanksgiving to find the thankful spot in my heart.
I have decided to celebrate Thanksgiving all month long.
My tools: my pen, my paper, and my words of gratitude.
I am writing letters expressing my thankfulness. I want those that are dear to me to know that I love them. I love them and I am thankful for them. I need to tell them what I appreciate. I have to take it a step further. I appreciate. I am thankful. I thank God for them specifically in my prayers.
This month, I will write thankful letters. I will write and I will pray prayers of thanksgiving, expressing my gratitude to God - the very gratitude that I will express in my letters.
Some of my loved ones know that I love them. They may know that I appreciate them. Even so, I hope they will be touched by my words. Some of my loved ones, don't know I count them as a loved one. They are my friends but they do not realize how dear they are to me. I hope my words will be sweet to their soul.
Think about taking time to write a letter to someone that is dear to you. Pray through your words, thanking God for your loved one. Your gracious words will be powerful.
"Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones."
Proverbs 16:24
What a great idea. The art of letter writing has been lost with the convenience of email and texting! I always make sure that my kids and I write thank-you notes when we receive something but you are right, we can write notes of gratitude anytime!
I'm assuming you're going alphabetically, so I'll expect my letter in a couple weeks. :)
Just kidding. So, if your daughter is going to be 2, I think it's time for another!
Jane Anne,
This is a wonderful idea. You are so thoughtful and allow God to use you and your words for His glory. Keep writing my friend. You encourage me.
What a fabulous idea. You constantly amaze me at your thoughtfulness and your big heart.
Make sure you stop my blog for a little surprise.
I love it - what a wonderful idea. You're right, Thanksgiving just gets jammed in between Halloween and Christmas. Last year I went to Michaels looking for fall sprinkles the DAY AFTER Halloween. Not a leaf-shaped sprinkle to be found, but I had my choice of any number of Christmas ones. So often here at our house it ends up being just another day in a long weekend with crazy kids.
What a lovely idea. I used to love writing letters - getting beautiful stationary and putting pen to paper.
What a great way to express you love and happiness! And it will be somethings that can be cherished by those you love and who love you as well.
I love this, Jane Anne! Your idea is a fabulous one, and I am not one bit surprised that you came up with it.
May the Lord bless your efforts and cause you to reconnect with people God has placed in your life.
I may need to do this too!
This is such a lovely idea! I'm catching up on your blog, and always look forward to your Thursday Thanks posts. Enjoy the month! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday - I love this time of year!
Missy recommended your site, thought I'd check it out. I like it! Consider me 'on board.'
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