My creative energies are pretty much consumed by entertaining 3 preschoolers. That said, I have had a surprisingly hard time trying to figure out what to write about. I didn't or don't want the blog to be all about my kids. I love my kids, dearly, but I need an outlet for myself. I love to write and I thought this would be fun and easy. Well, I haven't figured out what to write about yet but I want to write. For lack of something better to do, I am going to start answering some questions in "The Conversation Piece 2." I am going to take each question as it comes and not skip around to the questions that please me.
Question #1: If your life was a weather vane, which direction would it be pointed right now?
This question is strangely appropriate for this blog. I named the blog "gravity of motion" because it seems I am always busy and hardly still. This can weigh me down a bit since I savor quiet, peaceful moments. There is so much motion both with my children running circles around me and the activities I have chosen to get involved in. It can get burdensome. It is a little ironic that this is the first question.
That said, I believe my answer is obvious. It's very windy in my life. The ornament is spinning constantly in all directions. No, I didn't know it was called an ornament before this blog. But, I found a website (with one quick search in Google, of course) that talks all about weathervanes. Who knew they were so interesting? Here's something a bit interesting. There are only two basic rules that must be followed when designing a weather vane. Those rules are: 1.) The ornament must have unequal area on either side of center.2.) The ornament must have equal mass on either side of center. You want a historical fact about weather vanes? The earliest recorded weather vane honored the Greek god Triton, and adorned the Tower of the Winds in Athens which was built by the astronomer Andronicus in 48 B.C. Okay, that's it on my weather vane trivia. But, if you are interested (and you know you are), you can check out