Friday, May 01, 2009

What's Feasible When Your Brother has a Peanut Allergy?

Jonathan brought this paper home this week. One of the questions he missed made me smile. The teacher circled the correct answer. He put a big "NO" next to "making a peanut butter sandwich". I love it! Apparently, making a cat sing is more feasible to him that making a peanut butter sandwich.

By the way, the definition of feasible is: Doable, possible, achievable, workable. Making a peanut butter sandwich in our house is not feasible.

I think Jonathan should have gotten extra credit.


  1. That is entirely too sweet.. What a good boy!!

  2. Yay, Jonathan! I know you are proud of him - and I agree, he should get credit for that answer! Have you read my post about Dough-NUTS?
    (Hey, did you like how I did that link? All thanks to you!)

  3. I think he should have extra credit too. Every time we hear peanuts or nuts or anything on those lines, both kids say, "we don't eat peanut butter." I love it.

    Now you have to teach me how to do links in a comment....

  4. Yes!!! He did deserve extra credit! What a SMART kid!

  5. I love this! My daughter will cross out and change the words of math sentences that contain nuts or peanut butter in them.

    And I too, want to know how to put links in comments. That's so cool!

  6. I agree! Perhaps you should explain this to his teacher! DID RLR link that post to her comment??? I've always wondered how to do that!

    Have a great weekend!

  7. Seriously, I would talk to the teacher and tell her he deserves to have that marked correct!

    How did you show RLR how to do a link within the comments? I have never figured it out yet and would love to know how!

  8. Yep...teaching a cat to sing would be more doable over here too. I think he deserves it correct.

  9. Hey it's great to "see" you too, my friend!

    Mimi emailed me and asked if I'd seen your comment. I hadn't been over there for awhile so missed it.

    Way to much fun commenting on her blog. We should do that every day!!!!

    I have actually put a couple of pictures on there.

  10. That is soo cute! Isn't it amazing how intelligent children are about what they can and can't have? I am not just talking about a popcicle or something but when life or death is involved...they really get it!!! Love your blog! It is soo cute and the name is great!

  11. What a smart brother he is...always looking out for family! Gotta love it!

  12. LOL! I've read your blog before from my friend Carmom's blog...and I laughed at all the comments from Mimi's this weekend...hee hee!

    Thought I'd comment...since I'm on a roll ;)

    That is a smart boy! How cute! I have a friend who's little boy is allergic to peanuts and when he was at our house, he had me read the ingredients on everything I gave him :) My kids still have me do that sometimes because of cute {but my kids are not allergic!}

    He should totally get credit for that one!

  13. What a smart little guy and a good big brother!

  14. He should have gotten extra credit! :)

  15. I LOVE this! He should definitely not have missed that one. :)

  16. That's a keeper! What a great son you have!!

  17. that's awesome! I love it!!
