Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thursday Thanks Tank #85

I just crawled out of a serious laundry pile. Sadly, it was overtaking my room. (No comments necessary from my parents! *smile*) I am so happy to be reclaiming my room, making it a haven again. I wonder if I am the only one that tends to take every unfinished project or pile of stuff that didn't get properly cleaned up to the master bedroom. We have had company for the last 3 weekends (and a some time in between) and my bedroom was a serious disaster. I focused on my guests and we all had a fantastic time. I am thankful for that! And, I am thankful that the room is being reclaimed. Now that I got that out (a little blog confessional, I guess), let me share what's filling up my Thanks Tank.

1. Sense of Smell: My house is full of the aroma of banana bread baking.

2. Spring Flowers: Aren't these just lovely? My mom bought these bulbs for me about this time last year. They bring a smile to my face every day.

3. Car Carts: Sometimes I have to go to the store with the kids in-tow. I try hard to plan my shopping when I can leave the kids at home with my husband. Every so often, mostly because of bad planning, I have to take 2 or 3 with me. I am thankful for car carts. We had to make a trip today and cart kept everyone happy. I took this picture a few weeks ago on my cell phone. It was Elsie's first time "driving" with Thomas. (She was all over it and all over Thomas!)

4. Smiles: Smiles are universal. This post touched me this week: Universal Language. After you check that out, be sure to check out the rest of the Pensieve blog. Robin is posting this week as a Compassion blogger from India. Her words are powerful.

5. Miracle of Birth: I held a newborn (3 day old) baby last night. He was still in the hospital due to an infection. He is beautiful. His mom and I talked about how amazing it is to give birth. We marveled at our Creator and how he made it all possible.

6. Sharing: I love it when my kids share. Look how lucky Elisabeth is (this was taken on that same shopping trip). We - I mean, they - didn't get Starbucks on today's trip.

7. Surprises: I am thankful that my parents came to visit us. We had a delightful time. One of the highlights of their visit was getting to go on a double-date with them. Actually, the best part was when we surprised my parents. My mom overheard me talking to my husband about the plans and she assumed she would be watching the kids while we went on a date. Her expression was priceless when I told her I was making arrangements with our babysitter to go out with them.

Although my thankful list on my notepad is long, that's all I am going to share. That's all I have time to share. It's time to get the crew ready for swim lessons.

One more note (mostly for mom and dad), I am happy to say, the master bathroom is clean, too!! (Really!)


  1. I'm thankful to know that I'm not alone in making the master bedroom the catch-all when it's time to clean up. My goal is to go through all of that 'stuff', the toy room, and the kids' closets - and have a garage sale in June!

  2. Did you get to see Gage? How do I score a visit???

  3. You had me at Car Carts. Those are the best invention ever. Especially the ones with movies playing in them. Yea!

  4. The kiddos stuffed in that cart looks pretty funny!!!

  5. Another beautiful post. I just enjoy reading what people are thankful for, it just lifts my spirits... Thanks again for doing this every week.

  6. Bananana bread...ahhhh....I love banana bread! You're making me hungry! ;o)

    I'm hoping my husband and I can take a weekend trip with my parents this Fall. Our youngest son will begin college this year, so we won't have to be at home. I hope you have a great time with your parents!


  7. My bedroom is always the catch all. I'm trying to work on that.

    I really dislike those car carts. Especially being vertically challenged, it makes them even harder to steer.
