Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thursday Thanks Tank #80

It's about 10 p.m. on Thursday night. I had the best day! My husband took the day off. This week is Spring Break for the kids. We got up slow, had a pancake breakfast, hurried a bit to get stuff together for a day trip for a family of 6 and got out the door by 10 a.m. We drove to Portland and went to OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry). OMSI was recommended to me by two friends on two separate occasions this past week. So, when my husband decided to take a day off, it seemed like the perfect thing to do. We all had so much fun! I love watching my kids laugh and explore. They played, they learned, they got dirty and wet, and Elisabeth even smacked a few other little babies in the baby area. It was awesome (except for that baby smacking part)! We topped the day off with dinner out as a family. Everyone was well-behaved and we even got to see Red Robin in costume (as Thomas delightfully commented, "He's just dressed up!") We drove home as the sun was setting.

I have had a fine week and I am thankful for many things. Yet, all I could think about on the way home is how thankful I am for my family and for our fun family day. That's what's filling up my Thanks Tank today.

Here are some pictures from our trip to OMSI.


  1. Hi there!! Looks and sounds like the perfect day!!! And I love Red Robins burgers! They are the best!!! I have not been there in such a long time!!!

    Miss seeing you around here!!!!!

  2. Sounds like you made some wonderful memories....glad you had such an enjoyable family day!

  3. Glad you guys got to go spend a day together! So fun! We are frequent diners at Red Robin since they are so good with the allergies!

  4. I would be thankful for a day like that too. What a nice family day. We love Red Robin too.
    Love all the pictures too. What a fun place the OMSI looks like.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. It sounds like an awesome day! And as for Elsie, what do you expect from a little girl with three older brothers...and a dad like Seth? :):)

  6. Oh, it looks like so much fun! Family days are always so great! And Red Robin...yummy!!

  7. What a sweet looks like you had a great day by the smiles on your kiddos' faces.
    That museum looks amazing...
