Thursday, March 19, 2009

Thursday Thanks Tank #79

On Tuesday, we were all about all things green. That afternoon, I began making a list of things that I love that are green. I enlisted the help of my 3 and 5 year-old. After my 7 year-old came home, he added a couple of items. Then, I just had to ask my husband, as well. I hope you enjoy what made the Owen family Green List. You will just have to wonder who came up with what.

We are thankful for:

Green Jello
Plant in the windowsill
Our couch
Starbucks symbol
Green Kool-aid
A green candle
Green dresses
Green Hulk Costume
Green pudding
Green straws
Green toys
Green Goo
Rain Kissed Shower Gel from BBW
Green Balloons
Green Ice Cream
Army Clothes
Daddo’s Flight Jacket
Green Paint
Elisabeth’s green room

We also made a short list of Green things that we are not thankful for:
Green Goo
Green Poop
Fly Trap Plants
Moldy Bread
Canned Asparagus

And just so you know, I am very thankful I don't have any of those right now!

Here's a few pictures from our list (on St. Patricks Day). I am planning on posting more on the family blog soon.

Green Paint

Green Pudding

Green Dresses

Green Pancakes


  1. That was so fun. Stunt Man has a green room too. I love it. I knew the starbuck symbol would be in there too. Was that one yours or was the hulk costume yours? LOL
    Love the pictures and the green pancakes. Nice!

  2. Hmmm...after eating all of that green stuff, I wonder if you DID end up with green poop? LOL

    Looks like a fun day to me!

  3. I found you through your comment on We are that family.
    I also struggle with the real life/ cyber life balance and completely appreciate your drop down to weekly blogging. Good for you for reaching out to the world right around you. And for keeping your blog so uplifting.

  4. How fun. We have a lot of green in our house too. That picture of your sweet baby girl in that green dress is adorable. Her smile is so precious. I think that just made my day, and it just started.

  5. That was a great day! Thanks for planning all of those activities for us! You are wonderful!

  6. love green . . . what afun post!

  7. Cute idea...and I love that you got the whole family's input.

    It's funny that green goo ended up on both lists!

  8. What a fun day with all of your green! Love the green pancakes, have never thought of that though it would be a huge hit at this house! Bren's bday is St.Patty's day and his fav color is green!!

  9. How fun! You did a fabulous job...I'm taking notes.

  10. Your household was like the green epi-center. I loved checking out your photos.

    Oh, and your list of green things that you are not thankful for really made me laugh. Pure genius!


  11. What a fun day! I'm sure we will be having green pancakes now. My boys wanted them as soon as they seen the picture.

  12. What a great St. Patty's day! Looks like you all had tons of fun!!
