"It might be easy to run away to a monastery, away from the commercialization, the hectic hustle, the demanding family responsibilities of Christmas-time. Then we would have a holy Christmas. But we would forget the lesson of the Incarnation, of the enfleshing of God—the lesson that we who are followers of Jesus do not run from the secular; rather we try to transform it. It is our mission to make holy the secular aspects of Christmas just as the early Christians baptized the Christmas tree. And we do this by being holy people—kind, patient, generous, loving, laughing people—no matter how maddening is the Christmas rush…" Dr. Andrew M. Greeley
These words were so powerful for me when I read them. This year I have been profoundly affected by the mission of Advent Conspiracy. I have also found myself getting increasingly frustrated with the hustle and bustle of Christmas. I have been focused on not getting caught up in the commercialism of Christmas but I have still had lots of Christmas activities (3 Christmas plays/concerts to go to for my children, Christmas shopping to do, goodies to make for the preschool party, and on and on). None of the activities are bad but the busyness of it all can leave me exhausted and stressed. These words remind me that to have "Christmas Presence" I need to be kind, patient, generous, loving and happy in the middle of the hustle and bustle. I can focus on a Christlike attitude and surprise other people with uncommon kindness.
amen sister!
Totally agree! Great post.
Wow... thank you...
Thanks JA, I needed that this morning!
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