I am thankful for:
A new phone. Last Fall, I dropped my phone.
I got a new phone yesterday and I am just extremely happy about it. I can see the words again. And, wow- the pictures are so clear when they don't have cracks all over them!
A found blanket. My daughter's blanket -the one she has had since her first day in the hospital- was missing for two days. Tonight, she asked me to pray to ask God to help us find "Bobby." We found it shortly after she went to bed. She had hid with it and left it in her hiding place.
A visit with family. My brother-in-law is in town. It's special to see the kids get excited about seeing family. It's also just great to catch up.
A visit with best friends. Our friends that are close as family- so close that the kids tell people they are cousins- came to visit last weekend. It was refreshing. I laughed until I cried. We talked late into the night. We also did a little sight-seeing. I am thankful we got to take our friends to see Lake Tahoe.
Rain. Nevada needs precipitation. It rained last night and it was so nice. It's forecasted to rain again tomorrow and I'm pretty happy about that.
Dark Chocolate Pomegranate. Seriously. I am thankful for these and thankful when they are gone. I cannot stop eating them once they are opened. They are heavenly.
For my son's friend and his parents who are going out of their way to accommodate him and his peanut allergy. My son is going to a sleep-over this weekend. He is so excited. This is a milestone of sorts. While it isn't his first sleep-over, it is a new experience. They don't live next door and they aren't our super close friends or family. Tonight, as I went over all of the food that the kids will have at the party, I was touched by the mom's consideration and planning. Her son has been asking my son about food he can have and she has already bought him a safe alternative dessert he can enjoy when the other kids are having cake.
These are a few of the things I am thankful for tonight.
Take time to be thankful. It's time well-spent.
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