Monday, January 06, 2014

Run happy

At the beginning of 2013 I set some fitness goals for myself. One of my goals was to run a 5k race.

On March 17, 2013, I ran my first 5k race. It felt amazing.
I proceeded to become enamored with running.
I love running now. It is my favorite hobby. In fact, "rest" days are hard. I miss running. My husband thinks I am a bit addicted. I am. It's crazy.

On October 13, 2013, I ran my first half marathon.
It felt amazing. Really.
I couldn't believe I did it.

Running has become a pastime of mine. I feel good- great- after a run.The more I run, the better I feel. I enjoy running. It isn't about speed, although, I love improving my time. I can't even explain it to myself. I don't know why I am enjoying it so much, but I am. Running feels good. The better I feel, the more I want to run. I feel better about myself than I have felt in years.

My 12 year old took up running this year, too. After a race or two of mine, he asked if he could start running. We began running together. He ran his first 5k in June. We ran that race together. We ran several races together this year. He race five 5ks between June and the end of the year. He ran a 5k when I was running my half marathon. It was special to have him there with me at the end of the race. He ran cross-country at his middle school in the fall. He loved it. I don't know which 2013 race was my favorite but I can tell you, I love running with my 12 year old. We have a connection that we didn't have before. The best part- the part that warms my heart- is after each run we do together, he talks. He talks and talks and talks- he talks to me. My 12 year old is my quietest child. We have many conversations where I am asking questions and he is simply answering me. Except after a run. After a run, for some reason, he just talks. And I love it.

I love running.
I love the connection it has created between me and my pre-adolescent son.
It makes me happy.

Here we are during our on 4 mile New Year's Eve run- our last run of 2013.


  1. If running would make my 14-year-old son talk to me, I just might try it. So thrilled for you that running has yielded so many benefits, including the surprise ones you weren't expecting. Hope 2014 finds you seeing more running fun!

  2. I typed a really great comment. The interwebs ate it. Aargh.
