Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Dear Mothering Heart: Stages

Dear mothering heart,

Each new stage in your child’s life is full of joy. Remember that.
You may lament the loss of carrying your child up the stairs.
You may wish you could rock them after they crawl onto your lap.
Your kisses will lose their magical power to heal injuries.
It is okay.

Each new stage in your child’s life will bring you joy.
You might inspect insects or dress up fancy just because you can.
You are an after school tutor.
You listen to dreams.
You give counsel about friendships.
The hugs may be fewer (or may not) but they will be noticed more.

Remember, do not miss what was, appreciate what is.

Do not wonder or worry about what is coming. Pray for their future and their present. Be present.

Treasure the smiles of today. Pay attention to the words that are spoken.
Look into your child’s eyes, no matter how big or small they are.

Each new stage in your child’s life will bring  you joy if you embrace it.


  1. I have been needing to hear this lately. As I watch my boys grow up I have been so sad for what was.
