Wednesday, December 28, 2011

25 Days of Christmas

This December, for the first time, I decided to do a Christmas activity each day from Dec 1-25. Our 25 Days of Christmas was wonderful. It helped me focus on the important things during the Christmas season. I didn't get caught up in the busyness. Our Christmas season was intentional. The kids loved the activities - and so did my husband and I.

Here are the final days of our Christmas countdown.

Day 19: Ice Sugar cookies and take some to our neighbors. We made snowman faces and Christmas trees.

These cookies are amazing. I got the recipe from a friend when my husband was stationed in Virginia, almost 10 years ago. Here's the recipe: Festive Iced Cookies

Day 20: Make teacher gifts. The kids loved making their teacher gifts this year.

Day 21: Eat snowman ice cream.

Day 22: Go to a Christmas movie (Arthur Christmas).

Day 23: Read the Christmas story and memorize a Bible verse (Luke 2:11).

Day 24: Attend a Christmas Eve service at church.

Day 25: Family time... Open Christmas presents, Eat a Christmas cake for dessert after dinner, and make our Gingerbread house.

25 Days of Christmas
If you want to read through all of the activities for our 25 Days of Christmas, just click the 25 Days of Christmas link on the right side of the page, or click here: 25 Days of Christmas. If you get to the end of the page, but you haven't seen all of the days, just click the Older Posts link to see the rest.


  1. Yay, I'm so glad you enjoyed yourselves. That is the exact reason I work so hard to do our socks every year.

  2. This looks like it was all so much fun!
