Thursday, December 08, 2011

Christmas Lights

Day Seven: Make Thumbprint Christmas lights and Christmas light necklaces.

We made Christmas light pictures using our thumbprints. I had each child do a larger version and a smaller version, which I am going to frame so I can enjoy it for years to come. The Christmas light candy necklaces were just a fun find at Micheals. The kids enjoyed stringing them and eating them.


Alea Milham said...

This is a super cute idea! I love crafts that my son can do with very little help from me - it gives him such a sense of accomplishment.

Foursons said...

Cute idea! I've been away from the computer this week so I'm going to see what else y'all have been up to.

Pam said...

You are SO creative, and now your sweeties are reaping the benefits. The things they have been making and doing are wonderful . . . wish I could beam myself your way for an afternoon and join in the fun! Can't wait to see what you've got planned next. : )