Friday, August 06, 2010

It's My Party and I'll Buy If I Want To

I want to give you $25 to shop at Target.

Yes, that's right

to shop at

How to Party (I mean, win the Target Gift Card)~

Do any or all of the following (separate comments for each):

1. Comment: Tell me how old you are. (please, please be older than me)
2. Follow my blog (and tell me you do so)
3. Send someone to my blog and get them to mention your name. (You can tweet, facebook, email or blog about this- all you have to do is get the commenter to tell me that you sent them.)

I'm gonna celebrate my birthday all weekend (or at least try to convince my family to spoil me all weekend), so I will pick a winner on Sunday night and post the winner on Monday, August 9.


Brandi said...

I'm 38. Surely, I'm older than you! A whole bday weekend celebration is certainly the way to go! Have a great one!

Brandi said...

I follow. :)

He & Me + 3 said...

I am 39! Gah! I cannot believe I just typed that out. I must really love target. Sheesh. can you delete this comment...after I win of course.

Hope your birthday weekend is fabulous. YOu deserve it.

He & Me + 3 said...

I follow along.

I'm having a giveaway at my blog today if you want to stop by.

Amy Jo said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GORGEOUS!!! :) I'm 35...craziness! Your family BETTER spoil you rotten!

John and Carrie said...

I'm 32 and I love following your blog!!

The Earnhardt Family said...

I'm sure whoever gets the cash will love it! My bday is this month too. Happy Birthday to a woman who insprires many. I bet your family is going to be excited to celebrate with you ALL weekend!

Jill@Barnes Yard said...

I'm 30, flirty and thriving!!! Ha! Happy Birthday!
You know I'm a faithful follower!!
Yay Target!!

samantha said...

I follow you !)

samantha said...

Happy Birthday to you. I'm 28 but I will add 20 years to it today and say i'm 48 does that count?

Anonymous said...

I will agree with Samanthas post -- add 20 today to make me 48 as well! (Some days I feel that old...)

Have a VERY happy birthday Jane Anne!

Kimberly said...

35 makes me the youngest in our little "group" of 4!

Kimberly said...

And I do follow you!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday my friend :))
39 and holding...LaMonica

Tracy Coulter said...

I have you all beat. I am 46. Darn it, I should win just because I was brave enough to post that! AND because I am OLD, don't have much time, need to shop at TARGET!!!!

He & Me + 3 said...

I posted about it on my blog!

Heather said...

Jane Anne- First of all... Happy birthday to you! I am 41 and so far the 40s are fabulous ( but I'm sure you have years to go before you get there!)
Have fun being spoiled by your sweet family.

Julie @ Get Healthy Cheap said...

Yikes....I don't have to add 20, I'm 46. Yes, life starts at 40, or something like that. LOL

Happy birthday and thanks for the great giveaway!

Alea Milham said...

I am 43, but I turn 44 this on Sunday. I hope you have a lovely birthday!

Alea Milham said...

I am now an official follower.

jonah and becky lang said...

I turned 30 years old this year! I have to say that I love 30. I feel so grown up!

jonahandbeckylang at hotmail dot com

Foursons said...

Happy Birthday girly! I turn 36 in 3 months.

Melissa said...

Have a fabulous birthday celebration! I hope the party does last all weekend!

I recently turned (gulp) 46. Or, as I'd rather say, I'm 39 for the eighth time.

Macey said...

So how old are you??? I know you're like 25, right??
What a great giveaway, everyone LOVES Target! :)

Macey said...

Okay, I ended up commenting on yesterday's post because I'm a dork.
I am 33, not that far behind you! :)

Marice said...

do we really have to? heheh I am 30 :)

a new follower and was sent by MImi :) happy birthday! hope you'll have so much fun!

Mrs. Cline said...

Happy happy birthday!

I'm 28, will be 29 in November.

Adriennevh said...

I am 42 but as a grandmother to 3 I feel like 82 most days!

Jen Crutchfield said...

Just added you to my Google reader.

Jen Crutchfield said...

And I'm 39.

Beth E. said...

I'm older than dirt...53! Shhhh...don't tell anyone, okay? ;-)

Beth E. said...

Good heavens...I'm the oldest one on here! *sigh* BTW...happy birthday!

Missy said...

I'm 32. Happy Birthday JA!

Leah said...

Happy Bday Jane Anne! I am the SAME age as you...well for two more weeks...then I turn 38; but we're not talking about that. :o) I DO follow your blog cause I miss you and this way I get to "see" you! Love ya!


BeLoVed AiMeE said...

happiest of birthday wishes! from this 32 year old kid at heart :)

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

following in google reader :)

BeLoVed AiMeE said...

mimi sent me :) (He&Me+3)

Cathy said...

Do I really have to commit? Ok, I'll finally admit to being 46, although I lied to my kids about that forever. Tracy, we're tied, so you can't use your age to beg for the Target card.

I'm now an official follower, although I've loved popping in to your blog from time to time. Love the stories about your kids. I can so relate!

Have a very happy birthday!

Jessica said...

Happy Birthday! :) I'm 33! Yikes! :)

Missy said...

Of course I follow your blog .=)

Jessica said...

I already follow you! :)

carlyn said...

Hey there - Happy Birthday from down under! I'm 56, but whose counting?

carlyn said...

I follow your blog - :-) I enjoy reading your thoughts and seeing the pics of the kids.

Mimi said...

Oh happy birthday! I hope it's your best year ever!

I am 43, looks like I'm one of the oldest commenting!

Oh yeah, if you like to read click over to win one of Madeleine Wickham's latest hardcover books.

Mimi said...

I'm a follower!

Mimi said...

Mimi from He & Me + Three sent me over here.

Jeanne said...

yay! Happy Birthday, Jane Anne! I just turned 32 in June and will be celebrating my 7th wedding anniversary on Monday! What better reason to party? Have a great one!

I follow, too! : )

Anonymous said...

I'm 29. Happy Birthday week!

Anonymous said...

I follow ur blog

RLR said...

I'm 35 :)

RLR said...

I'm a follower!

Becki D said...

I am 29. March '11 is gonna be rough on me....

Cheryl said...

I am 35.

Cheryl said...

The incomparable Ryan Leigh Runyon sent me to this blog via a facebook post.

Cheryl said...

I am now (anonymously) following your blog. Can send confirmation if necessary.

Mysti said...

I am 35. Hope that makes you feel better.

Mysti said...

New follower! I am an allergy mom too (son has mild wheat and egg allergy, and moderate peanut and tree nut).

Angela Hunt said...

I'm 29 and RLR sent me!

Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

Girl you know I love ya! Happy Birthday~

Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

Im 33 and sliding....yikes! Its crazy!

Beth@Not a Bow in Sight said...

I've been following you for a while now. I'm 35. Happy birthday and thanks for stopping by my blog :)

Pam said...

Hey Jane Anne~ 43 here . . . definitely older than you. : )

Pam said...

I do follow your blog, ever single time you post, friend. I also pray regularly for your family. Hugs coming your way from the South!

Avery's Mommy said...

I'm 25. But if it'll help me win, we can pretend i'm 58! Btw, I'm also having a Target giftcard giveaway for a good cause. Please go check out my blog. Would LOVE for you to blog about it and it would give you a chance to win :) ends 8/31. Thanks!

Shawn said...

Hi Jane Anne. I'm 36 years old and I don't have a blog of my own.
I'm checking out your blog because I read about the blog hop. I love how you post about thankfulness each Thursday.

Avery's Mommy said...

I thought I was already a follower but I wasn't! I am now :)

Shawn said...

Oh I forgot to tell you my email address is (you know just in case my comment wins.

aerotatt said...

I am 29years 357 days old. (though I think I feel older than you most days)
I follow your blog, and have for some time now.

Steph said...

I am a new follower! Happy Birthday!

Steph said...

I just turned 26 on July 24th!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday although I don't know you, I stopped by because Steve Walker sent me. I am 28 and 347 days old :)

Courtney Zeek said...

Hello!! I am (28ish) =) I follow your blog when you post stuff on Facebook!! Sometimes I feel like I am spying lol =) I have to say I found this little Birthday contest of yours from Steve Walker, so hope he wins the card!! =) Happy Birthday Week!!!
<3 Courtney Zeek

Ellen said...

Hey Jane Anne! I'm older than most, but not the oldest ha ha!

The Diaper Diaries said...

Good golly, do I have to??? 35 ;)

Christie said...

I'm 28, but today is my husband's 26th bday! (I know, I know--cradle robber I am)

Mowenackie said...

I'm 35. Now, don't you have to tell us how old YOU are to make this a done deal? ;) Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane Anne,
I'm in Oregon. Wish I could come on down to see you. I thought of you last night when Natalie and I were on a walk and met a man with a dog he adopted from Lebanon. Anyway, I am still 41 for a couple more weeks. How old are you? Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

I forgot to say that I am a blog idiot. So, although I read your blog daily, I don't really know what it means to follow it or how to do that.

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

33 here! Hope you have a wonderful birthday weekend!! :)


Cat said...

Hi! thanks for reminding me about this give away! I saw it while reading, but then heard my little girl wake up. :) that was so sweet of you to write! Ok, I am celebrating my 2nd annual 29th birthday this year. (wink wink) I would LOVE to win. I love me some target!

Lisa said...

Mimi sent me and I am 43.

Lisa said...

I will follow if you are a friend of MiMi's you must be cool.

Lisa said...

my name is Lisa, check out my blog.

Lisa said...

I have 4 kids too and we love target...something we have in common.

Lisa said...

Didn't mean to leave so many posts but I wanted to wish you a happy birthday...

More Than Words said...

Yay!! Happy Belated Birthday! I hope you had a wonderful weekend celebrating!!!

And how sweet of you to have a giveaway!!!

More Than Words said...

Oh! And I am older! I just turned 41!

More Than Words said...

And I follow!