Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thursday Thanks Tank 135

Each week, on Thursdays, I make a thankful list. Sometimes, I share a written list here on my blog, sometimes I make a pictorial list, and sometimes I just write about one thing that is on my heart. It is always a glimpse into my thankful heart and an exercise that keeps me focused on gratitude. This is my Thursday Thanks Tank.

I am thankful for Quality Time.

1. Time to myself. Last weekend I went to the coast for the weekend. It was very peaceful.

2. Playtime with Dad. I love to watch the kids wrestle with dad. I laugh, I take pictures, and I even get in on it sometimes.

3. Family Time One night this week our oldest asked if we could watch "Cheaper By the Dozen" after dinner. My husband started the movie and I decided to skip my workout. Before long, I had little ones fighting to sit in my lap. It filled up my heart. My little girl finally gave up and sat on my 5 year old's lap as he was sitting in mine. It was so precious, I nudged my husband and asked him to grab the camera.

4. Summertime Fun One night last week, we were just hanging out as a family and we decided to make S'mores. It was Summer fun and de-licious.

5. Foundation Time: Without this, I would not be the person I am.

I encourage you to take time to be thankful today. You will be better off for it.


  1. Oooh! The ocean all by yourself! How fabulous!

    I love me some s'mores. Delicious!

  2. Jane Anne,
    I totally need some me time and quality time. That sounds so good to me.
