Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thursday Thanks Tank #83

I have a terrible cold. I couldn't smile at the day this morning. I couldn't stay in bed, either, though I really, really tried. I am walking around in a cold-induced fog. It isn't pretty. I am not a picture of beauty. But, the sun is shining and the birds are singing. Here in the Northwest that is a big deal. It's Thursday and I have a thankful heart. This last week was a busy week in my house. A lot happened. As I think of the week, I realize I am very blessed.

Here's some of what is filling up my Thanks Tank:

1. Good Medicine
One of these two things made me smile this morning.

My husband was good to bring them both to me. I do not like liquid medicine -at all. He got it anyway and held the coffee hostage until I took the medicine. They both worked wonders for me.

2. Sleep
I went to bed early last night. I slept hard.
Here's my little man asleep on the couch yesterday.

3. Friends
We had friends visit us this last weekend. What a joy! There is nothing like enjoying good company, good food, lots of laughs, and celebrating the joy of Easter. I could write a book about how much these friends mean to me. I am thankful they made the trip. We had such a great time with them.
Here are the kids right before the Easter Egg hunt.

4. Resurrection Power
I am thankful for the power that comes from Easter. Easter is not over. We aren't celebrating the day anymore but the power from it continues. I am focusing on God's grace right now. He gave us grace so we can give grace to others.

5. Meeting with Principal
We met with the principal of the school about David's peanut allergy on Friday. It was a good meeting. I didn't realize how much energy I had invested in the meeting until I felt totally exhausted afterward. I plan on posting about our journey with the school.

6. New Responsibilities
Speaking of the school, guess who is the new PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) President for next year? That's my new responsibility that I alluded to a few weeks ago. I was elected on Wednesday of last week. I am honored and excited about the responsibility. I would have been a part of the PTO even if David didn't have a severe peanut allergy. However, I am keenly aware that this allows me another way to build relationships with the teachers and staff.

7. Date Night
Seth and I went on a date Friday night. To say we don't go out often is an understatement. We enjoyed our company. We went out with 3 other couples. We spent the time sharing stories and laughing. The laughter was refreshing.

8. Unprompted Sweet Sibling Moments
When I gave Elisabeth her basket on Easter morning, the boys crowded around her and excitedly showed her the goodies. It was precious.

Take time to be thankful today. You will benefit from it.


  1. I'm sorry you feel so yucky! I hope the boys take a nap again today (sans accidents!) so you can get some rest. Congrats on the presidency, Madame President! That is really wonderful. I know you will be marvelous and help many. Great list, dear friend!

  2. What a great week you had. Hope you feel better! I am the same way with liquid medicine... you can't make me take it! Kyle gets furious at me being such a baby about it. I think it's something that has been up in my mind since a little girl. But with that Starbucks, I'm thinking we could work out a deal! :)

  3. Oh, I love the last picture w/ all the kiddos!! Your daughter is a doll!!!!

    You are going to be busy w/ the PTO!!! How fun though!!!

    I hope you start to feel 100% soon!!!

    Oh..and how fun about the date night! That's the best..going out w/ hubby & friends!!

  4. Jane Anne -

    I'll look forward to hearing about your meeting with David's principal. My daughter, who has peanut and egg allergies, will be going to a public school-based preschool in the fall. I'm anxious about it even though it's a half day program (and she won't be eating lunch there).

    Great news about being elected PTO president! It's a wonderful opportunity in SO MANY ways.

    What a wonderful week - what sweet boys! Hope you are feeling better soon!

  5. Awww, I love your thankful heart. I love that the coffee was the first thing I saw. LOL
    Hope you are feeling better. Cute picture of your little man sleeping too.
    Congrats to you Prez! How fun.
    That was such a sweet moment for the boys to show Elisabeth her goodies. So cute.

  6. Great pics! And that is great list of things to be thankful for...especially sweet sibling moments!

    Congrats on your new responsibility and I'm looking forward to hearing how the school will handle the peanut allergy.

    I hope you're feeling better!

  7. I hope you feel better soon! I just got over all of that stinks.

    If I took that Tylenol Cold medicine during the day, I'd walk around in a fog, too! Actually, it would knock me flat on my you-know-what. LOL

    Take care of yourself!

  8. Sorry you feel bad. I am just getting over it. My little one is still really sick. I will be praying you get better soon.

    I can not wait to hear about the school meeting. Another great Thankful List, thank you for sharing.

  9. I hope you feel better soon!

    Love the photos!

  10. i hope you feel better soon...starbucks is a great chaser for even the nastiest of medicines!

    love #8 and the accompanying pic! so sweet...

  11. Loved this post.

    It is amazing how powerful counting our blessings is.

    My hubby has sweet pix of he and his bros. doting over their baby sister reminds me of that last pix.

    So cute.

    Which is your primary blog? or do you spend equal time on each?

  12. Thank you for always welcoming us no matter when, no matter for how long. Your home is truly our second home and we love you guys so much!!! I'm so glad we came down.
    I hope that you start feeling better very soon! And congrats on your election to the PTO! You will do a wonderful job! Can't wait to hear/read about your meeting with the principal!

  13. I hope you're feeling better. Your little girl is such a princess! I love how your boys are doting on her. :)

  14. I love your thankful tank; awesome and great pics to go along with it!The last one of the kids gathered around the basket it so precious!
