Thursday, April 02, 2009

Thursday Thanks Tank #81

Thank you for stopping by. My hope is that my thankful list prompts you to spend time being thankful. This Thanks Tank list that I make each week keeps me grounded in gratitude.

I am thankful for:

1. My son's excitement about his faith. My oldest son was baptized on Sunday. This was a special day for him, as well as our whole family.
Here's a cropped picture of him at the very end of the baptism. Check out the link for more pictures.

2. Lessons in unselfishness. I am thankful that this week I had the opportunity to see the benefits of giving to others. I often succumb to the deception that I will enjoy my treasures more if I cling to them. I learned that giving of my heart can make treasures even more meaningful.

3. Playdates for my kids. My kids have played with kids from 3 different families this week. Wow- they have had lots of fun! I am thankful for the playdates and that the kids all got along well.

4. Honesty. Someone was brutally honest with me this week. It felt brutal. They were right. I was wrong. I am thankful for the honesty. Sometimes, I tend to hide what I think to avoid conflict. I am thankful for the honesty of friends and how that helps me grow.

5. Family that misses me. My extended family has made it clear that they miss me. I am thankful that I am loved and missed. I am thankful that they love me so much even though we are miles and miles apart.

6. Books. I finished a couple of books this week. I have enjoyed a few quiet nights reading. I liked the smiles my husband and I gave each other as we were reading in two separate spots in the family room.

7. Changes in Perspective. Yesterday I spent much the day feeling a bit down. There were several reasons for my mood. One little thing that was affecting me was the cloudy, rainy weather that is pretty constant here. Then, last night, I went for a brisk walk in the wind and drizzle. Suddenly, the raindrops and wind felt refreshing. The blowing clouds were impressive. I gained a new perspective on the grayness that lives outside my window.

8. Pretend play. I am thankful for pretend play. I love watching and listening to my kids play. They love to dress up. We have been having a lot of dress up days this week. Here are a couple of pictures (which were actually from a week or so ago).

9. Being witness to the power of a servant's heart. I am keenly aware of how one decision can be powerful. A few years ago when my husband was deployed, a friend gave me an incredible gift. My sister was touched by the gift and decided to serve a friend in the same way. Now I am passing on the gift to a friend where I live! What's more, I found out yesterday that my sister started a ministry as an operation of her MOPS group. They are blessing 6 military spouses right now! Three years ago, my friend made a decision to act. Her love is now blessing people all over this country. I am thankful for her (beyond words) and I am thankful for the stark reminder that taking action can make a difference in ways you cannot even imagine.


  1. Thank you for sharing your list. I do look forward to it every week and it always makes me stop and think. Love to you.

  2. This is so beautiful. I sure wished we leaved near, I am sure we would have many dress up play dates. Are children sound so much alike. I loved the pictures too. Blessings to your son, what a special day. It is funny, I was making an afternoon cup of coffee, and it was perfect that it was your blog I was going to catch up with...

    Have a blessed evening.

  3. Hi Jane Anne!
    I can't help but feel so much peace and calmness from your post! So good to read this every week!

    How awesome about your son being baptized!! PTL!!

    Love the costumes! My kids have all of them, minus the skeleton. My boys love doing that too!!

    Great to hear how your friend blessed you and now it has passed on to so many other people!!!!


  4. What a great post and I love the pictures!

    Years ago, when my husband was out of work for the entire year, we had several people bless us with money at Christmas time, so we could buy our children gifts. Somene had blessed them with they were in financial hardship, and when they could, they passed it on.

    The next year, one of those people was out of a job and we were able to bless them with money at Christmas.

    It is such a blessing to be able to pass something like that on, like you said!

  5. I always enjoy stopping by. Your heart is so sweet!
    What a glorious day for your family when your son got baptized. That is just awesome.
    My kids love dressup too! YOu have some very cute dressup outfits.
    Have a wonderful weekend my friend!

  6. These are awesome! You have such a precious spirit...I always enjoy reading your posts.

    The pictures of your son's baptism are wonderful! Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow! I also loved the other pics of your children. :o)

    Have a great weekend...

  7. What a blessing it must be to see you little ones excited about their faith!

  8. What a great list. Love the pics of the kids dressed as heros! And the fact that your son was dedicated, how awesome!
