Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thankful for Motherhood (Thanks Tank #84)

When I was pregnant with my son, I remember feeling overwhelmed. Motherhood loomed and I realized I could not be prepared for it. I anticpated not being able to handle being a parent. I feared not being adequate.

I had no idea how full my heart would become. I didn't know the joy that would be mine as a mom.

My oldest child was born 8 years ago today.

Here's a picture of me with my son when I was getting ready to take him home from the hospital.

Here's a picture of me and my "Jonnie Angel" this morning before he left for school.

He sure was a sweet baby.

He had a sweet smile this morning when he got a new Pokemon shirt.

Lately, he seems to always have his head in a book.

He really enjoyed books when he was a toddler, too.

Today, I am remembering what it was like when I became "Momma." I am thankful that I am a mom. I am thankful for my children. I am thankful for the fun of celebrating birthdays. That's what's filling up my Thanks Tank today.


  1. That was so sweet. It is such an awesome feeling when you realize you are now a Mom...Nothing better!

  2. Happy Birthday Jonathan! I still remember visiting you in the hospital! :) And great thanks tank post. You are a fabulous Momma!

  3. So you were what-14 when you had him???
    Happy Birthday Jonathan!

  4. I was thinking the same thing as Jill when I saw that first picture of you! But then I saw the one today and you still look so young eight years later!

    Happy Birthday sweet boy!

    Any leftover snickerdoodles can be sent my way...

  5. I love the sweet! What a handsome young man Jonathan is! Please tell him I said HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  6. Glad I'm not the only one thinking you haven't aged a bit! Trying to get a thanks post up before Thursday is over... :)

  7. I didn't know Thomas and Jonathan's birthdays were so close. You look just the same, so pretty. Happy Birthday Jonathan!

  8. Oh my look like his "big sister" in your first picture!!!!!

    Happy Birthday to your special guy!!

  9. Happy Birthday Jonathan!

    I'm jealous of the thought of birthday cake!

    Thanks for sharing those pictures Jane Anne, It's always fun sharing that kind of thing.

  10. What a sweet "Thanks Tank", Jane Anne :) Happy Birthday to both of your April babies!!


  11. That post was great! Happy Birthday Jonathan! You look really young!!! I guess I agree with everyone else on this one!

  12. What a beautiful post. I hope you all had a wonderful day.

  13. Happy birthday to your little boy! You looked like such a proud momma holding him as an infant. :) Have a wonderful weekend!

  14. Motherhood is such a wonderful thing to be thankful for. Happy birthday to your handsome little man! And happy anniversary to you on becoming a mama!

  15. How much fun it was to see him today and also way back to his birth. Sweet post ")
