Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Pulling Weeds

I have been pulling weeds.

I had pulled on these weeds before only to hear the jolting snap of the stem breaking. When you quickly pull at a weed without digging deeper or loosening the soil. The weed snaps. The roots stay in place. The ground looks good. And yet, you know. Within weeks, that weed will be back, probably even stronger.

My heart was softened by the rain. The showers of blessings that I recognize each week in my Thursday Thanks Tank loosened the roots of selfishness and discontentment.

My heart was conditioned just right. I stopped staring at the flowers and noticed the weeds in my life.

I needed to dig deep.

I have been absent from my blog for much of the last few weeks. I took time off during the Lent season so I could focus on growth. No, no, no - not really. Although that sounds great with the weed analogy. I took time off so I could focus on God. I took time off because blogging is a hobby that I enjoy. I missed it. And, when I did, I spend extra time reflecting, reading and praying. I worked on some "weeds" in my life. I pulled some. I am still working on others.

I am happy to be back.

Whether you see me on a regular basis or you simply know me through my blog, I hope that you see more grace than unkindness, selflessness instead of selfishness, serenity instead of discontentment, and prayerfulness instead of worry.

In other words, I hope you see more flowers than weeds.


  1. Beautiful post. I have always seen you as a flower Jane Anne! Glad you are back.

  2. So happy you are back...I've missed you. :o)

  3. Isn't it funny how we view ourselves and how others view us...I've always seen you as a flower...I never saw any of the weeds...

  4. Wow! That is great! I love that post! Thanks so much for stopping by. I love blogging friends!!! I am now stalking / Following your blog !!!

  5. I'm glad you're back too! Great post :)

  6. What a beautiful post, and oh so true. Those weeds can get us every time. I am so glad you are back, and refreshed. What a mighty God we serve. And thank you for your sweet comments about Goose.

  7. First time visiting your post and I enjoyed reading and viewing.

  8. Amen! Thanks for the encouraging post. I need to go work on some weeds myself. Glad you had a full lenten season!

  9. Such a beautiful poignant post... I could stand to do a bit of gardening in my life too.
    Glad to have you back...

  10. So glad your back. I always love to read your blog!
    You are a beautiful flower-this post went along with our last chapter of our Esther study today.

  11. This was so beautiful and so insightful. I am glad you took the break and glad you chose to come back, Jane Anne. God is doing some similar things in my heart. I enjoyed reading what He's been doing in yours.

  12. You're back! What fun to see you again in the blogosphere. It is like rediscovering an old friend.

    Like most everything you write, I adored this post. Your analogies always make me smile. Thank you for your wonderful words.


  13. Amen, Jane Anne. Less of me, more of Him! I too hope for the beauty of a life of flowers and not weeds!
