Saturday, January 24, 2009

Something New

I want to do something new.

I am setting goals. I have been setting goals and prioritizing all month. After all, what better month to do that than January? I am looking around at my house and taking inventory of what I have. I want to declutter. I want to organize. I want to rearrange. I want to decorate. I want to do some things different. I want other things to stay the same. This is true in my emotional, mental and spiritual life as well. I want to constantly improve. Sometimes improving means trying things a new way.

In the spirit of change, I decided on a new look for my blog. I hope you like it.


  1. i love it but was shocked when I got her because it's never changed as long as you've had it!!!!! way to step out of the box!

  2. I do...I want to see lots of pics of the kids...can you make that happen too? Because I know that you have so much time on your hands. LOL
    I love the new look:)

  3. I the poka dots! I want change too...but some things to stay the same. I have a list a mile long of things that I want to get done over spring break and summer vaca and a lot of it has to do with decluttering, organizing and decorating! We have been in our house 4 years and have not painted one room! Looking forward to your updates!! Happy Sunday!

  4. I think this is a beautiful change, Jane Anne. Definitely a fun, new look for your bloggy "home."

    Have a blessed Sunday!

  5. I was surprised to see the change, but I really do like it!

    I've been thinking I should make some plans/goals for 2009, as well. Maybe putting them out on my blog will help me be more accountable....

  6. I do like it - easy on the eyes, friend. Decluttering is so freeing.

  7. It looks great. I was thinking, yesterday, about some of the things (projects of change) that I am working on. I like to have several things going at once but you can't have to many.

    For instance, if I want to try new recipes I don't want to put to many into one week. I may add just one, or two at the most.

  8. I likey! And I'm so with you on the decluttering. :)

  9. You wrote a post about my life! :) I have to declutter, decorate, and organize. We still can't fit our cars in the garage...too many boxes. I need to find that motivation! Oh - and I love the new look of the blog! I thought I was in the wrong place at first. :)
