Monday, January 05, 2009

"Not Me!" Monday

If you ask, I will deny every bit of the following.

I did not allow my hubby to feed my daughter a little piece of a cookie and then eat the rest of the cookie just to see her sweet, adorable face melt in tears. I did not take a picture of her sad little face on my phone and upload it to facebook. would not participate in that just because it was so stinkin' funny and cute. I wouldn't... not me!

I am not the least home-sick for friends in the last state that I lived. I have not gotten sad at all this week about missing the annual gals craft night. I am not having trouble getting on facebook because it reminds me how far away some people are. That's just sad. I am not sad. Period. Not me. Nope. Not me. I am just going to keep saying that and maybe it will become true.

I did not walk into Wal-mart with my yummy latte, shop, proudly use the self-check out lane and then walk out without my latte. I did not walk all the way to my car wondering on which aisle I left my favorite cup of joe. I did not remember the moment I was pulling out of the parking lot that I sat it on the little shelf by the self-check out station. I did not wish the whole way home that I had found a parking spot and gone back to get my latte! That would be crazy. I am not crazy about my latte- not me!

I did not shrug my shoulders when my husband asked if my late night Sunday post might be missed by the blog world since this post was scheduled to be posted at the crack of dawn on Monday. I am not a tiny bit afraid someone will make a judgement about me based on that post. Ok, I am... but I am not letting myself back down- not me!

Ok, that last "not me" was added last but I had to save this one for the end because I am still thinking about it.

I did not try to get out playing a game at a New Year's Eve party by trying to back out of the room. I did not say to the gals next to me, "Oh, I think it's time to check on my baby." I did not then back right into a shelf, knock it off the wall with a loud crash (which broke the wings off an angel), and get the attention of the whole room. I was not absolutely mortified. It was not me... but I will never try to get out playing fun party games (again)!


  1. I totally would have gone back to walmart for that latte...Did you go buy another one? Love the shelf one too. I can hear it falling now. Yikes!

  2. the shelf one is funny. sorry it had to happen...i mean good thing it didn't happen

  3. does this mean you'll play any game I want the next time we get together? cause I have a closet shell full fun, fun games!!!!! =)

  4. I'd only go back if it were 80 degrees and sunny, otherwise it is too cold. Now, I have to go check out the post I might have otherwise missed!

  5. I look forward to reading Monday's post all week:)!!! Lori (Jill's sister)

  6. I would have gone back and got my coffee! LOL

    This was a good list!!!

  7. I would've definitely gone back for the latte! :o) Enjoyed your NMM post!

  8. I would have gone back for the latte for sure! The first thing I thought of this morning when I woke up is coffee...and it made things so much better! ;)

    So see what ya get for trying to back would be something that would happen to me...trying to quietly and sneakily (sp?) get away and then there's a loud crash or one of my darling children calls me out!

    Hope you have a great week!

  9. I loved your "Not me's!" I would have bought myself another latte because I "deserved"'s that for being frugal?

    When I post twice in one day or something, and I want to make sure people read it I just mention it with a link in the latest post, if that makes sense.

    Thank you for your sweet words. I am looking forward to reading your post. I love hearing about how other people live frugally because it always motivates me.

    I am afraid that I don't know what a bookmark is so you'll have to explain it to me if you would (if you don't mind), in case I ever want to do it. It sounds like a good thing so thank you!

  10. OMG yes....that last one would be ME...totally. UGH! :D

  11. Great list! That one about trying to get out of playing a game is so NOT me!

  12. Great NMM post and thanks for not being too grossed about my the red eye that I didn't really have.

  13. Great list....I would have gone back for my coffee for sure! I NEVER try to get out of playing games...ugh!

  14. Not me thinking you knocking the shelf off the wall was funny... not me. :P

  15. Too funny! I am not all about taking pics of my kids when they are pouting or crying either...that is just mean! And the whole missing your friends thing, ya I don't do that either, espcially when they are having a scrapping weekend! Great list :)

  16. I would have gone back for the latte...but mine would have been hot chocolate instead! Funny list.
