Monday, January 26, 2009

Gravity Giveaway

It's Bloggy Giveaway time and I'm hosting my 1st giveaway!

My gifts include a $15 Gift Card to Starbucks, a set of note cards, and an embroidered kitchen towel. The towel will be one of the towels pictured embroidered with the Cup of Kindness and words of your choosing (some examples -if Gravity was your last name you might just want "Gravity" or "Gravity's Kitchen" OR you might want to choose the name of a friend).

To be entered, leave a comment telling me your favorite store (you can only pick one). I want to know where you love to shop. If you follow my blog or become a follower, you get an extra entry. But, please, leave me a separate comment indicating that you are a follower. Non-bloggers can participate but you must be sure I have a way to contact you. I'll close comments on Saturday night January 31st at 11:59 p.m (Pacific Time) and do a random drawing on Sunday February 1st.

Now, zoom through blogland to the quarterly carnival going on at Bloggy Giveaways. You know I am going to be over there checking out the contests! Last time around I won 2 Starbucks gift cards. Have fun!

Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival Button


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mnmoose5 said...

I don't have a clue what I am doing and am not sure how I came across your blog other than the different ideas that are posted on one blog and all the bloggers post (sorry new to the blog language) SO, you might be from Duluth, MN? I'm in Duluth, MN & a s-a-h mom. Huge respect for your military family & the sacrifices you make. Happy blogging. kris

Sage said...

My favorite store of all times is Blue Q. They make some of the cutest plastic/reusable shopper bags.

Anonymous said...

Thanks! I love this!

Anonymous said...

I love shopping at Fashion Bug for clothes, underwear, pajamas, and coats. Thanks so much!

lynne at fairpoint dot net

RLR said...

I love, love, love ... Costco. I know that's probably not very exciting, but I really do love shopping if I can do it there.

RLR said...

Me again - I've been following you anonymously, but I just made it public. Thanks again for the giveaway :)

Angie said...

I love vera bradley!!

Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

Oh, how fun, I am so excited for your first giveaway. I love Target,it is my favorite get everything type of place. Have fun with the contest.

Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

I'm a follower..

Amy T said...

TJ Maxx - love the deals! Thank you for doing this giveaway!

More Than Words said...!! Okay, I'm so in this!

My favorite store is Target! One stop shopping!!

More Than Words said...

And you know I'm a folower too! ;)

Nicole said...

I love Pottery Barn Kids! Of course I can't afford to shop there, but I get great ideas and some stuff I can recreate on my own!

Emily B said...

My favourite store is RW&Co which is a clothing store (not sure if you have one where you are?). It's awesome. Thanks for the giveaway!
ebickell (At) hotmail (dot) com

momstheword said...

I heart Costco!!!!!!

momstheword said...

I just noticed yesterday that I wasn't following you so I started following you.

He & Me + 3 said...

I love to shop at the Gap. (outlet) Cheaper but same stuff.

He & Me + 3 said...

I am a follower:)

Deborah said...

Does online stores count? B/c I looove Amazon lol. If not, Old Navy, any day!

Pam said...

My favorite store would have to be a bookstore. I guess right now that would be our local Barnes and Noble, though I go there to find books and buy them online for a cheaper price. My favorite bookstore of all-time was a little Logos Bookstore I worked at when I was pregnant with my oldest.

Thanks for hosting this giveaway, Jane Anne!

Pam said...

I'm also a follower of your blog. But you knew that already. : )

John and Carrie said...

Eddie Bauer is my favorite store.

D said...

I love to shop at the Hanna Andersson outlets

John and Carrie said...

I just became a follower of your blog, my big sister! :-) Well, officially, b/c really I've been checking your blog daily for a long time now.

The Hansen Family said...

It's so hard to pick one! Probably all around, my favorite store is Target. I could pick a hundred others for great deals, but Target generally has everything!

Anonymous said...

mcginnis135 at bellsouth dot net

Christy said...

i'm a tj maxx girl...

Christy said...


Dawn D. said...

Kohl's, Sam's and Half-price books. Can't pick just one!

Carmom said...

How fun Jane Anne! Well, I guess my favortie store is Target, your husband should appreciate that. If I'm not at home I am so often there. Thanks so much!

Carmom said...

I'm a follower...

Jeanne said...

Oooh!!! I'm a follower!

Jeanne said...

and my favorite store to shop at is Williams-Sonoma!

Unknown said...

What a great prize package! I hope you'll come and enter mine. I have 2 going on right now.

yomomma said...

My favorite store is Barnes & Noble
I can spend hours and hours in there. Thanks for the giveaway!

lsfish said...

I love Amazon for online stores or Home Depot

mindy said...

macy's i am a definite macy's shopper

Anonymous said...

My favorite store is Borders. My whole family loves it. My husband and I go there on dates. We don't always buy something. But, we love to browse with a pen and notepad in hand, write down titles and then get them at the library.

Lisa said...

My favorite online store is Amazon, my favorite B&M store is target

Kimberly said...

I am a Costco lover!!! Crazy, huh? Do you think Seth will "disown" me as his "sister" since I didn't say Target? ;}
Very exciting that you've entered the world of giveaways!!! Don't know that I'll be copying this idea anytime soon! But thanks for the chance to possibly win something!

Kimberly said...

And I am officially a follower of your blog. Where do I sign up to be a copier of your blog?????

Katie said...

Only ONE? Target!
katiekarr at gmail dot com

Cynthia said...

Right now I am loving Hobby lobby. I am in the process of fixing up our home and love all the home decor.

tammyduc7 said...

Kohl's ! They always have sales and my nice daughter works there.LOL.Thanks for the chance to win !

koopermom said...

My favorite store is Target. I love everything in there! and it's always clean and not too crowded, which I hate!

Anonymous said...

I love target. I always leave with more than I came for.

Mrs. Sprinkles said...

CVS--'cause they give you everything for free! :)

Come enter my Target GC giveaway!

Tara said...

I love Lane Bryant!

cloudspassby78 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Tara said...

I am a follower

cloudspassby78 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Cari said...

target! you can find anything there;)

Courtney said...

Target. All the way.

Courtney said...

I'm a follower

Jennadesigns said...

Hobby Lobby - love crafting/sewing.

Qtpies7 said...

Crafts Direct gets my heart beating!

Angel said...

I love Michael's, so many fun ideas!

Tiffany said...

Target for $$$ shopping.

(PS thrift stores/handmade merch shops/library book sales/garage sales/etc. --I'm counting this all as one. :P but I am putting as a PS since you just asked for one and I put Target :))

Thanks so much for doing this!
sherunsaway22 at yahoo dot com

Carolyn G said...

I love Target because it has everything. Plus it's always good stuff and they have good values.

Tiffany @ Lattes And Life said...

I guess I'd say Target. They just seem to always have such nice and cute stuff...especially for holidays. But I also love poking around Goodwill and thrift stores!!!
give_me_a_latte at yahoo

Tiffany @ Lattes And Life said...

give_me_a_latte at yahoo

Unknown said...

Honestly I hate shopping. But I seem to go to Target for most of the things I buy so I guess I'd say Target. Thanks for entering me!
unforgetable_dreamer_always AT hotmail DOT com

Tyna said...

I love Target!

plhill2000 said...

I love Target, Hot Topic, and Dollar Tree. For clothes ,I go to Catherine's. Otherwise, I'm at WalMart or Sam's Club for every day things.

Mike Karr said...

My favorite store is the Apple store. I may not be able to afford much in it, but it doesn't make me break out in hives like every other store.

Angie said...

One of my favorite stores is Hobby Lobby. My kids and I love to craft together on the weekends...and they have some great 50% off sales! Thanks for the chance to win!


punkinmama said...

My favorite store is Borders!

twinzmama said...

Target! I love Target!!!

mamasara said...

I guess my favorite store to shop in is Better Cheddar, mainly for the cheese samples!

Unknown said...

I'd have to go with Petsmart. I love going in and seeing all of the neat animals, and shopping for my Jack Russell. Thanks for the giveaway!!!


Angela C said...

My favorite store is Bath &Body works. Thanks for the giveaway!
angelacisco at

mzzterry said...

My favorite store is TArget.

Anonymous said...

I have to say, Target-hands down.

oonagh said...

mmm, yarn....
pocket meadow farms is my local yarn store.....
she's online also @

eyeslikesugar said...

I love Borders! Thank you for offering this giveaway!
eyeslikesugar [at] gmail [dot] com

Natalie said...

I love Target! They have groceries, cute kids clothes and just about anything else you need. Love them!

scblog at hotmail dot com

Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

Great giveaway!
I LOVE Target!

Shelley Johnson said...

My favorite store of all time is Anthropologie.

Bloggytime20 (a) yahoo dot com

Angela said...

Okay. I'm going to do it. You may think me odd, but so be it: Goodwill. Specifically the one here in Santa Maria, California. I've found amazing, incredible deals. And nothing can beat the rush of finding a Juicy Couture hoodie for $2.00. Or a D&G blouse for $1.25. Goodwill. Hands down.

Unknown said...

Target, definitely Target! I love it...they have everything and just going there will make me happy :)

ladydi115 said...

I love filene's basement. I can always find amazing deals there for wonderful clothes. thanks!

donnas said...

I am a book lover so I love Borders. I can waste so much time just browsing around in there.

Anya said...

My favorite store is my local fabric shop. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

My favorite store is Target. But online I adore Amazon!

Beth E. said...

Our stores are very limited in our area. I shop at Walmart here at home. When I drive to "the big city," I like to shop at JCPenney for clothes. Online, I enjoy shopping at Harry & David...yum!

Beth E. said...

I'm a follower! :o)

Unknown said...

I love my local Thrift store, Thrift Store City. Favorite national chain store would be Target's.

Anonymous said...

does ebay count?
KawaiiNeko2008 (at) aol (dot) com

Jennifer said...

I love chopping at Charlotte Russe. Everything there is my style!

Unknown said...

I love the towel, it would be great for my daughter in her new house. I love to shop at fun little shops on Cape Cod and look for unique gifts

GoneGirl said...

My favorite store is Walmart...they have! Thanks!

ariyana9501 said...

Sometimes, I hate to admit it, but my favorite store is Walmart! They have everything you need, in one store, and they are usually the cheapest around. If I were to win, I'd want my towel to say "The Jarvis Kitchen". Thanks!

rebecca said...

My current fave store is CVS! I'm learning how to save our family lots of money there!

gitrecca at gmail dot com

*~Dani~* said...

My favorite store is Bed Bath and Beyond. I could spend days in there!

Marin said...

I can spend a LOT of time browsing Target.

But, if money is no object... I love Pottery Barn and White House Black Market.

Cjnedrow said...

I love shopping at the thrift stores. We have a real good one near us. I get great bargains!

Leona P said...


McCrakensx4 said...

What a fun give way! Look at all the people who are stalking you! ;) So anywho...this is a tough one, but I guess I would have to say that my favorite place to shop is stop shopping cuz mine is a super they have EVERYTHING!

McCrakensx4 said...

OH...and you know I am a mean follower!! :)

Re said...

I'm having so much fun making friends and blog-hopping again this year. My favorite store is the thrift shop in a neighboring weathly area. They donate stuff that make my jaw drop. For the sake of the giveaway i'd have to choose walmart or target. :)

Thanks for such a generous giveaway! I hope I'm chosen as the lucky winner!!!

Stacy said...

My favorite store is Target. That is really sad isn't it.


Jessica said...

OH my goodness! What a great prize! Okay, if you tell me that you embroidered that little town I will shoot myself here and now!! That is the CUTEST thing! If you did, I have some projects for you! :)

My favorite place to shop is the Craft Warehouse. I can spend hours in there.

Jessica said...

Oh, and I have been a follower for some time now!

Ames said...

I love to shop at Gordmans :)

scottsgal said...

I am very dangerous when I go to Kohl's my favorite store

Unknown said...

My favorite store is Kohl's, with 4 girls and a grandson I love their clearance racks.

Unknown said...

I follow your blog

Unknown said...

I love shopping at Kohl's!

Amber said...

I love to shop at Target. They always have great deals on the clearance displays!

divaqueenie said...

If I could only shop at one store the rest of my life I'd pick Target...mainly for the Gillian O'Malley Jammies.

Colored With Memories said...

my fave is's quick and on every they have great rebates!

thanks for the offer and come visit my site for a $25 gift card to GAP!

Colored With Memories said...

i became a follower and am looking forward to coming back soon!

Anonymous said...

Hey JA! I love Trader Joe's-they always have something fun and new to try for dinner & dessert!
~LaMonica M

CaseyDeuce said...

My favorite store to shop in is Target! I love that dang place!!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Kohl's! : ) I think you know how to get ahold of me

Anonymous said...

Hey what a cool thing you are doing. my fav would be JcPennys. Take care. You should have all my info.
Heather Thompson

Julie Donahue said...


Julie Donahue said...

I follow

Sheila Hickmon said...

I love to shop at Gordmans!

Sheila Hickmon said...

Im following!

Stephanie said...

I love Old Navy - great for kids clothes and casual wear.
tvollowitz at aol dot com

Lydia said...

My newest favorite store is H&M!


Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said...

My favorite store?

Barnes and Nobles... I am a book freak!


Anonymous said...

My favorite store is J.C. Penneys.

Alibi said...

I'd have to say Target...they have just about everything you could need in one store.

Kara said...

My favorite store is Target. I have to be careful there though. I go in for diapers, and $100 later who knows what I might be coming home with.
millkara [at]

Kaycee said...

Borders!! Wonderful items you are giving away! Thank you for giving me the chance to win them!

kayceewilliams at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

i love shopping at walmart! i can find anything and everything tehre and do my one-stop shopping.


An iMperfect wIfe said...

Just one store... just one...

Barnes and Noble. I ALWAYS FIND SOMETHING I LOVE THERE! Any season. Any time of the month ;)


Erin Lowmaster said...

I love shopping at Macy's! They always have such great deals on clothes and kitchenware! It's hard to pull me out once I am in there!

Jody said...

My favorite store is Barnes & Noble. I could stay there all day enjoying the books! What a relazing day that would be!


Jeanette H. said...

My favorite store is Target! I especially love them after the holidays when they mark down the holiday items to 90% off!! The bargains I find are unheard of!!

Thanks for the great giveaway!!


Anonymous said...

My favorite store is online. I love 6pm...its Zappos warehouse site and has really great shoes - the best brand names - for a fraction of the price of Zappos. If you sign up for their emails, they have the best sales. Check it out and you'll be hooked!!

Michelle said...

Target is my favorite. It's my home away from home and has such a great variety of items! Thanks so much for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Love your giveaway!Target would be my favorite store to shop at!

Diane said...

My favorite store is Catherine's. Thanks for the awesome giveaway and the chance to win! Have a wonderful day!

okaat said...

My favorite store is DOLLAR TREE. I love to shop bargains and i can afford a few dollars to spend and not feel guilty. Very cute contest prizes.

Heather said...

My favorite clothing store to shop at is Ann Taylor Loft (since I have to pick only one :) ). What a cool givaway. How does the whole givaway thing work? Miss you Jane Anne! H. Irey

Heather said...

Jane Anne, I am a definite follower of you blog.... I love to read what you write. You always have such thought provoking things to say!!! Thanks.

Unknown said...

Target! I love the dollar bins at the front!!!

michelle said...

I love to shop at Costco. They have great prices on so many wonderful products...nearly our one-stop shopping for new books, snacks, housewares, music, etc.

michelle at northofthe49 dot com

The Brantley's said...

I love to shop at Target!!


Anonymous said...

My favorite store, and I hate to admit it, is Ann Taylor. So expensive but great work clothes. Especially since I get to dress up everyday. :) You know how to get a hold of me....I hope! Great idea, JJ. Love you! Amy Jo

Ingrid said...

My favorite store is Wal-Mart. They're open 24-7 which makes it great to shop late at night. Thanks.

Erika said...

My favorite store would probably be Target. I can get groceries, food, clothing, home and health/beauty items all in one trip.

cbogie said...

Hey JA! My favorite store is hmmmm....hard to choose....I"ll say Kohl's. Cameo (I just signed up as an un-anonymous follower - I had been anonymous - don't really know why!)

Mrs. Nichole J. said...

I love to shop at Thirft Stores!

Thanks so much for this great giveaway! I can't wait to see if I win!!!!


Gina said...

I'd have to say Target, or THE MALL in general, being able to look at a ton of stuff all in one place! I'm a shopaholic lol

Sweetpeas said...

Hmmm . . . it depends what I'm shopping FOR what store I like best, I'm not a fan of shopping for the sake of shopping. But I suppose the "store" I tend to browse, and end up spending money, the most often is, does that count? I love books!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I am simple....I LOVE Target!!!

CrystalGB said...

I like to shop at JCPenneys. I love their Liz and Co. clothes.

taysmommy said...

Target! I'm there seriously about 3 times a week :)

taysmommy said...

I follow :)

fortyb4forty said...

I love shopping at Gymboree for my children. The clothes are so cute, they make me smile.

Kristi said...

I love, love, love, shopping at the "Last Chance Thrift Store", but only on Mondays when everything is 1/2 price. Gotta love a bargin. It's not glam but it's good.

Kristi said...

I am now a follower, officially. Although, I have been following for a while. I also like to shop at, Tiffanys. I don't buy, but I shop.

Anonymous said...

I love target. I'm a simple gal :P I really love that store though, its great and reasonably priced. Thanks.
leslierose at gmail dot com

bren j. said...

My favorite store has got to be Target. Sadly, the closest one is three hours away so it's always a Big Deal when we get to go. Thanks for the great giveaway!

The Laverty's said...

Hey JA! I cannot believe how many comments you got! I've never heard of this so I guess I need to check it out. My favorite store is Ben Franklin in Bonney Lake. They have soooo many products for crafting! I just love how they decorate it too! Hope you guys are doing great! I don't know how to subscribe so I guess I need to figure that out :~) Later! ~Christy

FaithfulMommy said...

My favorite store at this time is Target. I can waste so much time in there and my children beg not to go!

TJ said...

I LVOE clothes I could shop my little heart out at American Eagle haha :)

Shirley said...

My favorite store is Joann's Fabric Stores. I can spent hours and hours in there browsing and buying fabrics and craft supplies.

Anonymous said...

I love going to Whole Foods!

Mrs. McB said...

I love to shop at any specialty store that sells Vera Bradley. I also like to shop at Ann Taylor Loft and NY & Co.

Kristy said...

I love Target. Great clothing for kids and adults, good sales, and the $1 section.


suzie said...

I love to shop at Kohls...especially when they have their sales.
Thanks so much for the contest.
susan dot lockhart at gmail dot com

Jodi said...

If I have to pick one store, it's Target! I always know I can find what I need if I go there. Thanks!!

Nickolay said...

I love the sharper image. I like being the first person around to have some crazy gadgets and electronics.

Ashley said...

My favorite store is Target.

Doreen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Doreen said...

I love me some TARGET! :) I sooo would love to win a Starbucks gc! Haven't been there in a while. purposedrivenlife4you (at) gmail (dot) com

Doreen said...

I'm following!purposedrivenlife4you (at) gmail (dot) com

The Bells said...

My favorite store is Target. Hands down. No question.

Thanks for the giveaway!!



Jenn said...

Oh, so many favorite stores: target, old navy, kohls, kendall's kloset... the list goes on and on...

Thanks for the great giveaway!!


Fiddle D. Dee said...

Target and Old Navy seem to be where I shop the most these days!! Thanks for the chance to enter!

Fiddle D. Dee said...

I am a follower!!

Joyful Noise said...

I don't get a lot of time to do any shopping and so I like either Walmart or Target Super Stores so I can do all my shopping and groceries in one stop - much easier in MN winter with three small children!

Thanks for the cool giveaway!

Alaina said...

My favorite store is probably target!

alainamj AT yahoo DOT com

Anonymous said...

My very favorite is Value Village. I love the thrill of the hunt involved in thrift shopping.

sarah said...

So fun! My favorite store is Fred Meyer. So close and one stop shopping, although Target is a really close second.

rlgrady said...

My favorite store is Ross.

Thanks for the giveaway!


Becky said...

My favorite store is usually Amazon (they ship everywhere) or Target.

tatertot374 said...

THank you for the great giveaway.
I would love to win. I love to shop at Amazon. Quick and easy and I can do it in my pajamas :)
Thank you

Starla said...

My favorite store is Borders! I can never have or read too many books, love love love them! Thanks for the giveaway!

its.a.hit at gmail dot com

Reva Skie said...

I love Target. You can shop their clearance racks with coupons and practically steal stuff, it ends up so cheap.

Annikke said...

My favorite online shop is Etsy. I can find some of the coolest things there. My favortie store to actually drive my car to, well I guess that would have to be Target.

JRG said...

Ebay, that is if it counts as a store.

Carrie said...

I love Walmart.

carrie_dodd at hotmail dot com

AudreyO said...

Only one store?? I'd have to say Michael's Craft Store.

If I get a 2nd store it would be Amazon, where I can get both books and DVD's.

Charlotte said...

Lately in this's good old Target!

DEBIJOT said...

Tuesday Mornings. You never know what you will find.

Rachel said...

I LOVE to shop at Children's Place for my daughter and Express for myself.

Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!!

Anonymous said...

I shop the most at Kohl's. Love there sales and clearance racks. semtaylor(at)yahoo(dot)com


target for the sales and there is an outlet store by us that I treasure for deals

Erika Powell said...

I love Target. It is just perfect!

Erika Powell said...

I am a follower

Staci A said...

We have this bargain store called Ollies that has great deals. I love shopping there.

Katie said...

My favorite store is Hobby Lobby, which is a southern craft store that sells both yarn and fabric and isn't Walmart. Sadly we don't have it in MA.

Earthtokarmen said...

I love Hobby Lobby because it inspires me to create, has things to help me create and has wonderful things someone else created!


Mia J. said...

My favorite store that I go to all the time is Target and my favorite store that I just like to hang out in is a local indy book store called clayton books. I could spend all day there.

Tracysweetangl said...


remarker/fcffollower said...

I love thrift stores - Goodwill is my favorite

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