We are most human when we feel dull. Lolling around in a state of restlessness is one of life's greatest luxuries -- one not available to creatures that spend all their time pursuing mere survival. To be bored is to stop reacting to the external world, and to explore the internal one.
Carolyn Y. Johnson “The Joy of Boredom” The Boston Globe
“Do not boast about tomorrow,
for you do not know what a day may bring forth.”
Proverbs 27:1
The reason these quotes have struck a chord with me this week is simple. I have had so much entertainment lately that I found myself wondering what I was going to do next. We have had rounds of wonderful company and when my last guests left, I felt a bit let down. I was reminded that I can be content with what each day holds. I can be satisfied without longing for more and for the next event.
1 comment:
I loved these words of wisdom. I do often find myself looking forward to the "next big event". And I sometimes actually wish for a day to end quickly to that I am one more day closer to the "prize". Thanks for reminding me to be satisfied in the here and now and to appreciate ALL the moments that God has given us!
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