“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” John F Kennedy
My goal is to live with a thankful attitude. I have been given so much! When I approach my day with this gracious attitude, my isolation, my irritability, my indifference cannot dictate my feelings during the day.
Here are some of the ways my Thanks Tank is being filled this week:
My Mom: With Mother’s Day around the corner, I would be remiss not to mention that I am very thankful for my mother. I am thankful for her love. I am thankful that as an adult, I can appreciate our differences in a way I never could before. I am thankful that I just got to visit with her. She always inspires me to be the best I can be.
Being a Mom: I never ever, ever imagined that one day I would have 4 kids. I am thankful for each of my kids. I am thankful for the little things that make mothering a joy: kid drawn pictures, finger painting, kid hugs, reading bedtime stories, playing hide and seek, watching water play (even if it is just in the sink!), kissing boo boos to make them better, helping a child with reading, praying with my kids, planting a seed and watching it grow… and on and on.
Extended Daylight Hours: I am really enjoying getting the kids to bed and getting to enjoy some daylight. Last night, I got them all in bed and then went outside and pulled weeds. It was so refreshing to be outside that time of day—knowing my kids were all tucked in their beds.
My husband: He provides for me, loves me, cares for me, encourages me, talks to me, laughs at me, helps me with the kids and so much more. This week, I am really thankful for our emotional and physical connection.
Good Doctor Visits: While my parents were in town, I made use of the free babysitting and took different kids to different doctor appts. I am thankful that the visits went well. David is now on a seasonal allergy medicine to combat his grass allergy. Jonathan is about to be sporting some new glasses.
God’s Amazing Creation (manifested in the ocean): We drove out to the Oregon Coast this past weekend. We weren’t able to have beach time because it was cold and windy. (We were headed to the Oregon Coast Aquarium.) We ended up eating dinner at an ocean-side restaurant. Watching the waves and looking at the vast ocean gave me a powerful sense of amazement for this world we live in.
Mom Friends in My Life: I am thankful for the many mom friends in my life. I learn from my friends, I am encouraged by them, and I just simply find joy in watching them mother their children.
Sharing High Points and Low Points: This week I have started asking my kids to tell me the “High Point” and “Low Point” (Best and Worst part) of their day. I got this idea from the book “Taking Care of the Me in Mommy” by Lisa Whelchel. I am thankful for this exercise. It has been a fun way to get my kids to share their emotions (in a conversational way). I am thankful for this new venue to get my kids to talk.
Dad passing 5 Year Stroke Milestone: Five years ago today my dad sufferred a massive stroke. My mom and dad were given lots of statistics one of which was that most massive stroke victims suffer another stroke during the first 5 years (don't have the actual statistic for you). My dad has not has another stroke and he continues to become more and more functional. I am so thankful for him and how hard he works.
Well, that’s all the time I have this morning. A little one needs my attention now. Take time to be thankful today! If you feel so led, take the Thanks Tank image and share your thankful thoughts on your own blog. If you don’t have a blog, feel free to share with me your thankfulness via comments. Most importantly, be sure to think thankful thoughts today.