I spent time yesterday jotting down my thankful list on a pad of paper. I grabbed one of the many pads that we keep on the refrigerator and wrote down a few thoughts as I had a few moments. I never managed to make time for the computer, though. So, here I am a day late sharing my thankful thoughts. I hope you enjoy it and I really hope it inspires you to take a few moments to be thankful.
My thankful thoughts:
1. McDonalds Playland Joy: For the first time since long before Elisabeth was born, I took the kids to McDonalds and instead of swinging through the drive-thru we went inside. I am thankful for the that joy they get when they get to play there. How fun it was to see their joy-filled faces. They truly had a blast! Elisabeth fell asleep in her carseat and I pulled out a book and read while the kids played. That was joy for Momma!
2. "Bye Bye Pee": This came out of my 2 year old's mouth yesterday after flushing the toliet and I couldn't be more happy. Thomas is suddenly (started on Saturday) interested and excited about peeing in the potty. Before this week he would always say with enthusiasm, "NO, I pee in my diaper!"
3. Successful Shoe Shopping (with 4 kids in tow): I was feeling extremely brave yesterday (with this and the McDonalds trip). I took all the kids to a local shoe store while I tried on shoes. I had to have some shoes by this weekend and I wanted to go to the local shoe store that is only open until 5 on weekdays. I found some shoes!
4. David's haircut was scream free: David hates to have his haircut. He informed me yesterday right before went to the Barber shop. I already knew it, of course. His haircut was scream-free...not tear free but scream-free, which is wonderful progress!
5. Rainy sleepy days: We are having rain here (no big surprise for the area). I was surprised yesterday when all 3 boys slept until 8 a.m. (oh ya, Jonathan is out of school Wed-Fri for school conferences). I was able to get a shower AND drink a cup of coffee well before they woke up.
6. Elisabeth's Baby Talk: She is babbling a lot more these days. I love it!
7. Hubby is Home: Now, I am not a wimp when it comes to parenting alone. I don't think I need to explain that one. HOWEVER, single parenting with the 3 boys and baby girl last week was exhausting. I am happy, happy, happy to have Seth home!
I am sure you can imagine that after haircuts (for 2 out of the 3 boys), shoe shopping, McDonalds, and all of the little things that made up the rest of my day, I was so exhausted I pretty much crashed last night. It was a good day... always nice when plans work out well.
What an awesome day! And new shoes, too! Are they from the Birkenstock store?
Can't wait to hear the baby babble!!
Sounds like a fun day. You gotta know how cheap I am. So, I gotta a hair cuttin tip for you. Do it yourself. Really. Ryan has never had a real hair cut. I went to WallyWorld and got a $14 pair of clippers, I load them up in the bathtub and I do his and Darryl's hair. It is really a lot of fun. I would really encourage you to try it. When I do Darryl's I make him pay me the $15 plus tip. Could be some Starbucks $$ for you.
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