The Heath bar is my new favorite candy bar. This is a big deal for me! My favorite as long as I can remember has been a Snickers. I have struggled with loving eating a Snickers ever since we found out about David's allergy. (It is just hard to enjoy savoring each bite when you are eating something that could kill your child.) Seth re-introduced me to the Heath bar about a month ago and I have had several since then. They are sooo yummy! Now that I have found this new love, I have to figure out how to stop eating them.
For a really long time my favorite candy bar was SKOR which is very similar to the Heath Bar. You should also try Ben and Jerry's ice cream - Coffee Heath Bar Crunch or Vanilla Heath Bar Crunch. YUMMY!
I remember your love of Snickers! I think you've picked a great second... Heath bars are SOOOO yummy. Oh! If you want, I have a GREAT recipe for a Heath Bar Toffee Coffee Cake. It is delicioso and a hit at all the family get togethers.
PS I agree with Kimberly: Ben & Jerry's Vanilla Heath Bar Crunch is yummy.
Amy, if JA doesn't want it - I do!!! That sounds scrumptious!
Heath Bar Toffee Coffee Cake!?! That sounds so yummy!! Please pass on the recipe. You can email me if its easier than putting it in the comments and I will post it. I cannot wait to try it out!
That ice cream sounds sooo good right now!
Vanilla Heath Bar Crunch oh yeah!!! I had some last night.
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