Thursday, November 01, 2007

Thursday Thanks Tank #18

My thankful thoughts for today:

1. I know this is silly… but… I am thankful that little angel was not born on Halloween. Nothing against anyone who has a Halloween birthday but for some reason, I really didn’t want my baby to be born on Halloween. It is silly but I am thankful nonetheless.
2. I took a nap today! I am thankful for the rest.
3. Brownies are so yummy. I am thankful for the brownies that are baking in the oven. I got out the mix and decided I was not up for the tough job of mixing brownies and then my friend just made them for me!
4. My brownie making, kid-watching so I can take a nap, come to Oregon so my husband can relax friend Kim. Kim dropped everything and came to Oregon just so we could be more relaxed waiting for our angel to be born. She is staying until my parents get here. She is a gift from heaven…and the brownies she threw in the oven are starting to smell pretty heavenly right now, too.
5. Gingerbread Latte Season!! Today was the first day the gingerbread latte became available for the season at Starbucks. Oh my, I am so thankful!
6. The right color of green. The nursery is painted! The first time it was painted (or 2 walls anyway), it was the wrong color. The second paint color is wonderful.
7. The excitement of friends. I have been showered with love and excitement because of my 4th little one on the way. It has been so refreshing to have my friends excited for me. My friends- thank you for making me feel special.

Well, I am a little low on Thankful thoughts today. It has taken me a while to come up with this little list. I think it is because of pregnancy brain. I am very thankful but I just cannot think tonight. ONE MORE: (#8.) I am thankful that my husband encouraged me to do this tonight—brought the laptop to me, already logged into blogger, so I would not miss focusing on being thankful.


  1. Amen! I'm so thankful for a friend who shares my passion for the Gingerbread Latte'. Here's hoping, wishing and praying that they bring back the gingerbread loaf as well! YUMMO!!!

  2. You know I don't remember having Gingerbread Lattes here. We had the Pumpkin Spice, but I don't remeber seeing that one. I'll have to ceck it out and ask about it.
    My other Latte passion is Peppermint Mocha.
    Jane Anne thank you for doing your list. I forgot last night but I have so much to be thankful for with Matt coming home today.

  3. WHAT?!?!? I think y'all got your Gingerbread Lattes early...lucky ducks! ;) Not here yet in CO! I'm still enjoying the pumpkin spice though but really looking forward to the gingerbread one! I love this time of year...LOVE IT! =) And thanks Kim for taking care of my Janey are wonderful! :)
